Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for papabearbrodie (874 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
11 Karibik Karibik Defeated -36 964
3 the old world Modern2 Defeated -36 928
12 Fantasy FantasyWorld Defeated -34 894
77 carabean classic Karibik Drawn 63 957
61 Chaos again ClassicChaos Defeated -43 914
183 too crowded to speak ClassicCrowded Defeated -38 876
2 Merry Xmas battle Empire4 Defeated -31 845
252 Fog Gunboat ClassicFog Defeated -29 816
181 modern times - no time for talk Modern2 Defeated -28 788
420 Conquistador SouthAmerica8 Survived 8 796
38 Fantasy Gunboat FantasyWorld Defeated -25 771
851 7 islands-2 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 7 778
388 karibik GB Karibik Defeated -23 755
249 Join! Colonial Survived 14 769
318 First Play HAVEN Haven Defeated -29 740
963 Spheres of Influence Colonial Defeated -26 714
750 Seven Isles of Death ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -19 695
260 Operation Barbarossa Modern2 Defeated -18 677
804 Modern Gunboat Modern2 Drawn 116 793
332 Realms of Conquest Haven Defeated -29 764
885 Don't Quit Rinascimento Defeated 0 764
653 world war IV!!! WWIV Defeated -26 738
895 Fantasy Gunboat-2 FantasyWorld Defeated -24 714
849 Fall Of America! Empire4 Defeated -28 686
1059 Kaboom Modern2 Survived -22 664
649 new world order WWIV Defeated -25 639
1538 Simon Bolivar SouthAmerica8 Drawn 39 678
1347 The Battle Down Under MateAgainstMate Defeated -19 659
1030 Five Ways Modern Dip. Modern2 Defeated -20 639
1418 The Scramble for America Empire4 Survived -16 623
2086 Just another modern dip Modern2 Drawn 53 676
1544 Post Cold War Modern2 Defeated -22 654
2092 7 Islands - Gunboat 24hr ClassicSevenIslands Survived 25 679
2235 7 Island Gunboat ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -18 661
2167 Crowded ClassicCrowded Survived 12 673
795 35 needed 4 gunboat WWIV Won 335 1008
2804 New Balkan Wars Map BalkanWarsVI Drawn 8 1016
1897 suramerica8 SouthAmerica8 Defeated -19 997
2834 Balkan Smulkan BalkanWarsVI Defeated -23 974
2528 Fantasygunboat FantasyWorld Survived -39 935
2729 Blast from the Past Karibik Defeated -34 901
2529 Higher bet? WWIV Defeated -32 869
2830 I hate your lies. FantasyWorld Survived -4 865
2750 FWD-Gunboat FantasyWorld Survived 180 1045
2913 Australia MateAgainstMate Survived 14 1059
1582 A World Without Oba...I mean Osama WWIV Defeated -39 1020
1707 WWIV - Gunboat - Finalise Quick WWIV Survived 0 1020
3025 For Lack of a better name ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 41 1061
1623 New World Order II WWIV Defeated -33 1028
2896 Haven Haven Defeated -20 1008
3215 Brave New Gunboat (Where Spain doesn't get banned) Modern2 Survived -38 970
3346 The Statue of Zeus at Olympia AncMed Drawn 24 994
3027 Chords Empire4 Defeated -15 979
3303 Brave New Gunboat-3 Modern2 Defeated -36 943
3256 Brave New Gunboat-2 Modern2 Drawn 10 953
3706 BalkanWars BalkanWarsVI Survived -27 926
3334 He who controls the spice... Colonial Defeated -25 901
3367 Brave New Gunboat-4 Modern2 Survived -25 876
3968 Fly Over States USofA Defeated -26 850
1953 demise of the wise Colonial Defeated -29 821
3699 WW4 Team Game! WWIV Drawn 17 838
3989 USA-2 USofA Survived -21 817
4286 SilentKnownWorld Classic Survived 3 820
4478 Infrastructure for everyone! BuildAnywhere Defeated -24 796
4470 Running Start Classic1897 Defeated -21 775
3914 SilentEmpire10 Empire4 Defeated -21 754
3626 Hussite gunboat Hussite Defeated -20 734
4148 Where are we? KnownWorld_901 Drawn 44 778
4556 Silent Viking gunboat Viking Won 74 852
4132 Known World Second Game KnownWorld_901 Defeated -21 831
4380 Big Modern 2 chose your country! Modern2 Defeated -19 812
4345 Communications Breakdown Modern2 Survived -2 810
3539 Age of Technology WWIV Survived 226 1036
4137 New map :X)))) KnownWorld_901 Drawn 65 1101
5012 ULTIMATE gunboat ClassicFog Defeated -32 1069
3939 World War WWIV Defeated -38 1031
5265 FoW Gunboat Delta ClassicFog Survived 10 1041
4182 Mappa Mundi KnownWorld_901 Defeated -28 1013
4697 Pacific Broadcast Colonial Defeated -33 980
4138 Old Wars KnownWorld_901 Defeated -21 959
5093 Fantasy World GB FantasyWorld Defeated -31 928
4761 Conquer Afro-Eurasia! KnownWorld_901 Survived 18 946
6870 WW2!!!! Europe1939 Defeated -25 921
5120 Biggest Pot... Ever! WWIV Defeated -32 889
6160 Fantasy War Haven Defeated -36 853
5649 Whittle Down Tournament game 1 WWIV Defeated -28 825
8399 Clever Game Name NorthSeaWars Defeated -22 803
6922 Can you conquer America? Empire4 -32 771
8360 The North American Conflict Empire4 Drawn 126 897
8586 Spice Melange Colonial Drawn 20 917
8103 Are you fucking kidding me? FantasyWorld Defeated -16 901
9207 INTO BATTLE YoungstownRedux Survived 6 907
8878 modern 2 Modern2 Defeated -18 889
9171 Greece is gone Modern2 Defeated -21 868
9191 gunboat!!! YoungstownRedux Survived 79 947
9492 Australia Gunboat-2 MateAgainstMate Defeated -21 926
9975 Modern Diplomacy 4 Modern2 Defeated -36 890
9310 What happened to WWIII? WWIV Defeated -12 878
9077 Where are the Americas? KnownWorld_901 Defeated -21 857
10101 Modern Times -2 Modern2 Defeated -16 841
10823 Up to 11 ClassicCrowded Defeated -24 817
9954 xkcd Empire4 Defeated -22 795
11054 One billion people Africa Defeated -18 777
10029 Papal Bullsh*t Rinascimento Defeated 0 777
9759 DnD does make me cool Haven Defeated -22 755
10660 Clockwork Angels WWIV Defeated -20 735
11492 Ezpickins Challenge ClassicCrowded Defeated -27 708
10580 Cry "Havoc !" KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 692
11755 It began in Africa-ca-ca-ca-ca Africa Drawn 49 741
11548 The Empire Strikes Back Imperial2 Defeated -15 726
11942 420-2 Karibik Drawn 74 800
11825 Modern Love-2 Modern2 Defeated -23 777
12450 Africa-4 Africa Defeated -26 751
12582 Fast Modern Diplo-2 Modern2 Defeated -19 732
12932 The Strong Survive Imperial2 Drawn 6 738
12993 worldwide gunboat! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -19 719
12693 The Battle for Earth WWIV Defeated -8 711
13118 The Great War (No NMR's) WWIV Defeated -13 698
13333 Modern Love-3 Modern2 Defeated -18 680
12464 The quest for Mordor. Haven Defeated -19 661
12198 For Whom the Bell Tolls-2 WWIV Defeated -13 648
12086 HopWorld 3000 WWIV Defeated 8 656
15292 North Sea Conquest DarkAges Won 276 932
15074 Germany on fire Germany1648 Defeated -22 910
15275 Africa Gunboat!! Africa Drawn 81 991
15102 A new challenger appears ClassicCrowded Defeated -37 954
14797 Lannister's Frozen Banana Stand Modern2 Defeated -23 931
14832 -our empires- Imperial2 Defeated -10 921
15348 901 gunoat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -11 910
15935 Britain's got war HeptarchyIV Defeated -19 891
15939 Dark Age Gunboat HeptarchyIV Defeated -16 875
15841 Modern Heart of Darkness Africa Survived 17 892
15569 My Empire's Bigger Than Yours! Imperial2 Defeated -13 879
15853 Gunship Modern2 Drawn 38 917
16380 Delux ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -20 897
16327 Bella Italia Rinascimento Survived 0 897
16597 Shanghai'd Imperial2 Survived 17 914
17186 Europe! FIGHT-2 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -24 890
17557 March for the holy land FirstCrusade Defeated -13 877
17307 Africa-8 Africa Defeated -9 868
17361 Romeward Bound Rinascimento Survived 0 868
17273 Palimpsest KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 852
18460 Africa gunboat-2 Africa Defeated -27 825
18448 They're coming!!!!!!!!!!!!! KnownWorld_901 Survived 5 830
18763 UNRATED-2 Rinascimento Drawn 0 830
17483 ... and I will stand by you MateAgainstMate Defeated -15 815
19145 fantasyworld FantasyWorld Defeated -14 801
19664 Privateers and gentlemen AtlanticColonies Survived 26 827
19191 Waka Waka Africa Africa Defeated -12 815
18905 Sarajevo 1914, the 28th of June ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -6 809
19609 Empire Earth Imperial2 Defeated -11 798
19821 Africa-10 Africa Survived 46 844
19806 Whitgift KnownWorld_901 Survived 91 935
21293 Pobjeda!-2 Germany1648 Survived -37 898
21958 Rhye's and Fall FantasyWorld Defeated -10 888
22788 Too many cooks ClassicCrowded Defeated -5 883
22371 imperialism rules the world! Imperial2 Defeated -9 874
23079 Unify Italy Rinascimento 0 874