Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Adiploplayer (940 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
14772 Martian Exploration Mars Survived -7 993
16001 South America-11 SouthAmerica4 Drawn 21 1014
15569 My Empire's Bigger Than Yours! Imperial2 Defeated -17 997
16259 Imperial Diplomacy - 01 Imperial2 Drawn 57 1054
17523 kings and chiefs Viking Survived -24 1030
17570 European ClassicChaos Defeated -38 992
17718 Main Game Modern2 Defeated -39 953
17537 just have fun ClassicCrowded Defeated -27 926
17620 Crusades FirstCrusade Survived -13 913
17714 Please join. Empire4 Defeated -20 893
17536 Northern Peoples DarkAges Defeated -19 874
17803 The Diplomacy of WWII WWII Drawn 15 889
18421 Treaties Game YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 889
17923 first global GobbleEarth Drawn 43 932
19361 Join dis Chromatic Drawn 20 952
16774 Shadow of a doubt WWIV_V6 Defeated -12 940