Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Samj (1732 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
15843 Collapse of the Euro GreekDip Won 66 1066
15772 Japan United Sengoku5 Defeated -22 1044
15695 Spartan's Summer Fun- USA USofA Drawn 78 1122
15841 Modern Heart of Darkness Africa Won 84 1206
15847 Modern Diplomacy II Gunboat Modern2 Drawn 53 1259
15676 Atom's Summer of Love (Party's Over) ClassicLayered Defeated -32 1227
15694 Spartan's Summer Fun- Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 35 1262
16850 WW1 (G/A/T v E/F/I/R) ClassicTouchy Drawn 22 1284
16786 Nacho Cheese YoungstownWWII Drawn 27 1311
17566 Crusader gunboat FirstCrusade Survived -25 1286
16105 Known World Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 36 1322
18508 Ancient Med-6 AncMed Defeated 7 1329
18060 Alternate Europe AberrationV Drawn 71 1400
18652 Slow Boat WWII Drawn 9 1409
19260 The sound of silence-11 Enlightenment Defeated -38 1371
19796 Atlantic Colonies - Gunboat AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1371
19302 Afrika! Afrika! Africa Drawn 28 1399
19805 Back in the Saddle YoungstownRedux Drawn 38 1437
19804 Empires Imperial2 Survived 46 1483
16661 A New Era WWIV_V6 Defeated -32 1451
20143 why not make it a quickie AtlanticColonies Survived 16 1467
19916 ROTWEILLERS ClassicCrowded Drawn 72 1539
19797 Hablabla KnownWorld_901 Survived 64 1603
20149 Trolls United Viking Drawn 6 1609
20449 Without Italy (FEGATR) ClassicVS Drawn 19 1628
20766 jointhisgame-2 YoungstownRedux Drawn 18 1646
20612 BM1-Rd1-GrA Modern Modern2 Drawn 0 1646
20288 Thousand Islands War GreatLakes Defeated -30 1616
20613 BM1-Rd1-GrA FAE4 Empire4 Drawn 0 1616
21205 Ancient Civilizations AncMed Defeated -41 1575
20796 Fantasy World FantasyWorld Defeated -43 1532
21579 Apollo Mission GreekDip Survived -23 1509
21359 Living Space Europe1939 Drawn 22 1531
21446 BM1-Rd2-GrB Euro39 Europe1939 Survived 0 1531
21448 BM1-Rd2-GrB Africa Africa Defeated 0 1531
22013 ITALY-4 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1531
22101 BM1 - Round 3 ClassicCrowded Defeated 0 1531
21605 Winds of War Europe1939 Drawn 37 1568
21590 Bo-lieve in yourself Imperial2 Defeated -52 1516
22922 TMS Sideshow (GTR)-6 ClassicVS Won 44 1560
21694 Ozymandias KnownWorld_901 Defeated -39 1521
21960 Imperial Imperial2 Defeated -36 1485
21490 imperialism anyone? Imperial2 Drawn 43 1528
23179 Civil Unrest-4 Empire1on1 Won 2 1530
21714 WWIV - Sealanes - UNRATED WWIVsealanes Drawn 0 1530
23079 Unify Italy Rinascimento Drawn 0 1530
23103 Have you finished those errands? YoungstownRedux Defeated -35 1495
23174 Boshin War Sengoku5 Defeated -40 1455
22970 Rule the Waves-2 Imperial2 Drawn 27 1482
23473 (GIA) ClassicVS Drawn 0 1482
23544 Vikings and other bastards Viking Survived -33 1449
23542 Great Lakes GreatLakes Drawn 28 1477
23866 (FT)-10 ClassicVS Survived -11 1466
23506 Don't Tell A Soul ClassicFog Survived -27 1439
21235 Gunboat - Sealanes WWIVsealanes Drawn 137 1576
23501 Addicted to Exploitation of the Natives Imperial2 Drawn 36 1612
23993 Yoshimi Sengoku5 Won 124 1736
24265 For Treachery Europe1939 Won 38 1774
24306 ay mackerana ClassicSevenIslands Won 56 1830
24538 Hannibal-2 AncMed Drawn 1 1831
24473 New view on Second World War (GRIFE) ClassicVS Survived -11 1820
24441 Another One Bites The Dutch DutchRevolt Survived -42 1778
24559 ay mackerana-2 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 2 1780
24405 Build Anywhere Classic Boating BuildAnywhere Defeated -34 1746
24523 Confederate Mexican French Fries AmericanConflict Drawn 1 1747
24692 Island Wars ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 8 1755
24605 Anarchismus AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -49 1706
24305 WWWoo! WWII Defeated -31 1675
24787 ay mackerana colonial Colonial Defeated -54 1621
24665 Crimea is part of Russia AberrationV Defeated -31 1590
24813 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 3 WWII Defeated -25 1565
25487 Mars Attacks! Mars Survived 3 1568
24812 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 2 WWII Drawn 20 1588
25777 inundant wigan Europe1600 Drawn 0 1588
26476 NMS Youngstown War YoungstownRedux Drawn 8 1596
24814 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 4 WWII Survived -20 1576
24811 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 1 WWII Defeated -23 1553
24409 Colonial Domination Colonial1885 Drawn 41 1594
24815 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 5 WWII Defeated -20 1574
26757 NATO vs Warsaw Pact Modern2 Drawn 41 1615
27226 Do the Greek Dip... GreekDip Defeated -47 1568
26950 Cum Deo et victricibus armis Germany1648 Defeated -39 1529
27101 Aberration fun! AberrationV Drawn 0 1529
27109 Sika Dwa Kofi Africa Drawn 13 1542
27099 Nootflix and Chill Europe1939 Drawn 32 1574
27246 Pirates Pirates Survived -63 1511
27361 The Century of Lights Enlightenment Defeated -32 1479
27091 Theatre of War AberrationV Defeated -28 1451
26766 WW III World Defeated -61 1390
24280 Silent Haven Haven Defeated -39 1351
24701 GobbleEarth GobbleEarth Won 100 1451
27897 Join for a fun gunboat ClassicSevenIslands Survived 30 1481
28011 Sack of Siena Rinascimento Drawn 0 1481
27800 Sorry Austria-2 Imperial2 Drawn 29 1510
26939 Can we do this? WWIV Drawn 85 1595
27113 Can we do this 2? WWIV_V6 Drawn 0 1595
28601 The Exploration Game IV ClassicFog Defeated -33 1562
28725 Abstruction Abstraction3 Defeated -22 1540
27887 Rapid Double-Fisted Nine-Mead Faceplanter KnownWorld_901 Drawn 46 1586
27828 Imperial 3: The Sick Man of Europe Imperial2 Drawn 23 1609
29517 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 4 Sengoku5 Survived 0 1609
29516 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 3 Sengoku5 Drawn 0 1609
29515 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 2 Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1609
29110 Ragu Tagliatelli Rinascimento Drawn 0 1609
29513 1st FoW 7x7 – 4 ClassicFog Survived -32 1577
29514 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 1 Sengoku5 Drawn 0 1577
29595 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 3 Sengoku5 Drawn 30 1607
29510 1st FoW 7x7 - 1 ClassicFog Survived -43 1564
29512 1st FoW 7x7 – 3 ClassicFog Survived -41 1523
29271 ImperialDiplo(negotiations/treaties encouraged!) Imperial2 Drawn 28 1551
29596 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 4 Sengoku5 Defeated -30 1521
29511 1st FoW 7x7 – 2 ClassicFog Won 200 1721
29994 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 7 Sengoku5 Survived 0 1721
29594 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 2 Sengoku5 Defeated -45 1676
29992 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 5 Sengoku5 Drawn 0 1676
29993 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 6 Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1676
27868 Quick slow growth Classic1897 Survived -12 1664
30507 Let's try this one AncMed Defeated -33 1631
29579 Pasta, Pizza, and Popes! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1631
29995 2nd Sengoku 8x8 - 8 Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1631
29997 1st FoW 7x7 - 6 ClassicFog Defeated -40 1591
29996 1st FoW 7x7 - 5 ClassicFog Defeated -26 1565
30602 Classic GB 2 Classic Drawn 34 1599
30601 Classic GB Classic Drawn 7 1606
29593 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 1 Sengoku5 Defeated -21 1585
29989 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 6 Sengoku5 Defeated -41 1544
29998 1st FoW 7x7 - 7 ClassicFog Survived -20 1524
29743 Guns, Germs, and Steel-2 Imperial2 Survived -17 1507
30475 Hitler jokes in 3...2...1... WWII Defeated -30 1477
28019 Yeahhhhh... GL WWIV_V6 Defeated -39 1438
30654 War of the Pacific Redux SouthAmerica8 Defeated -26 1412
29991 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 8 Sengoku5 Defeated -22 1390
29988 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 5 Sengoku5 Defeated -28 1362
31007 2nd Fog of War - 1 ClassicFog Survived -34 1328
31104 L'Age de Raison Enlightenment Drawn 102 1430
30278 "Et tu Brute?" WWIV_V6 Drawn 139 1569
29990 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 7 Sengoku5 Defeated -30 1539
31665 2nd Fog of War 7x7 - ClassicFog Defeated -37 1502
31666 2nd Fog of War 7x7 - 5 ClassicFog Survived -30 1472
31664 2nd Fog of War 7x7 - 3 ClassicFog Defeated -42 1430
31667 2nd Fog of War 7x7 - 6 ClassicFog Defeated -38 1392
31663 2nd Fog of War 7x7 - 2 ClassicFog Survived -31 1361
31668 2nd Fog of War 7x7 - 7 ClassicFog Survived -17 1344
31679 Spinning Viking Blood Eagle Freefall-2 Viking Drawn 3 1347
31673 War is never fair III Colonial1885 Defeated -32 1315
32000 Aberration 9x9 Game 3 AberrationV Defeated -19 1296
32227 The Great Conspiracy CelticBritain Drawn 67 1363
31999 Aberration 9x9 Game 2 AberrationV Defeated -26 1337
31998 Aberration 9x9 Game 1 AberrationV Survived -18 1319
32001 Aberration 9x9 Game 4 AberrationV Survived -12 1307
32003 Aberration 9x9 Game 6 AberrationV Defeated -26 1281
32005 Aberration 9x9 Game 8 AberrationV Drawn 106 1387
32006 Aberration 9x9 Game 9 AberrationV Defeated -27 1360
32002 Aberration 9x9 Game 5 AberrationV Defeated -22 1338
32004 Aberration 9x9 Game 7 AberrationV Defeated -19 1319
33290 Old town YoungstownRedux Drawn 36 1355
33652 new-8 WesternWorld_901 Drawn 35 1390
34256 New Renaissance FullPress Renaissance1453 Defeated -23 1367
34255 Twilight of the Medieval World Renaissance1453 Drawn 10 1377
34629 King George’s War Redux AustrianSuccession Defeated -31 1346
34284 WILHELM II. Imperial2 Drawn 61 1407
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Defeated -35 1372
35577 Imperial Gunboat-2 Imperial2 Defeated -25 1347
36771 Big Guns YoungstownRedux Drawn 8 1355
38445 All Fronts YoungstownRedux Defeated -42 1313
37694 Big day WWIVsealanes Drawn 100 1413
39706 Not this daisho Sengoku5 Defeated -2 1411
39664 JoJo KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1411
40212 What If... ? AberrationV Drawn 34 1445
41354 The Exception MongolianEmpire Defeated -58 1387
39719 World War Bone 2 WWIVsealanes Drawn 217 1604
38797 Silent Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated -43 1561
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Survived -17 1544
42837 Island Dreams ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 14 1558
40607 Like EU, but new! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -39 1519
41006 Fake NewsLeak Interference Democalypse World10 Defeated -15 1504
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio Drawn 188 1692
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Drawn 63 1755
44996 Full-Frontal Scrotal Lobotomy A_Modern_Europe Drawn 28 1783
46230 Das G-Boat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived -30 1753
44844 Eye of the storm Europa_Renovatio Defeated -51 1702
43323 Quarantinovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated -44 1658
46539 The Big One WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 91 1749
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 Defeated -44 1705
47242 Modern Europe Diplomacy-2 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 83 1788
48733 Octopus 3 ClassicOctopus Survived -31 1757
45898 Novichok-20 against COVID-19 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 111 1868
47989 New Order Modern2 Defeated -34 1834
47238 Europe en flamme Europa_Renovatio Drawn 41 1875
51033 Faster Fog ClassicFog Drawn 15 1890
51266 Dragon-Slayer -2 FantasyWorld Defeated -41 1849
51924 Anonymous Africa Africa Defeated -45 1804
52125 1 Bourbon, 1 Habsburg & 1 Beer AustrianSuccession Drawn 13 1817
52745 Merciless Triple Noogie Indian Burn Europe1939 Defeated -30 1787
52714 The Great Game-7 Imperial2 Drawn 41 1828
52928 Colonial forever Colonial1885 Drawn 7 1835
52906 french rebolution Napoleonic Drawn 39 1874
53390 Unrelenting Torch & Pitchfork Barrage Classic1898Fog Drawn 6 1880
54364 Africa now Africa Survived 2 1882
53764 A Saint Helena Kind of Feeling EmpiresCoalitions Survived -32 1850
54696 Seven Kings, Two Caesars, and a Doge Enlightenment Drawn 16 1866
54999 Home of the Brave VI Empire4 Drawn 46 1912
54819 Double Gut-Punch Powerbomb Chokeslam KnownWorld_901 Drawn 72 1984
55005 Moderno Gunboat Modern2 Survived -31 1953
55632 Game 2432 - WTA YoungstownWWII Drawn 23 1976
56401 East Indies Gunboat EastIndies Drawn 57 2033
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -29 2004
56122 Well, rip us Divided_States Defeated -51 1953
56591 Haven-3 Haven Defeated -57 1896
56210 Samoan Molly-Go-Round Dropslam Head Drag World10 Defeated -29 1867
57884 Plss join w WWII Drawn 16 1883
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio Defeated -49 1834
58307 Win Condition 48 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1834
57966 It’s No Game EastIndies Defeated -33 1801
56031 The Big Gunboat (Gun Galley?) Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1801
58910 High Stakes Gunboat FirstCrusade Defeated -35 1766
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Defeated -34 1732