Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for mariofantuzi (1657 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
16477 Serata Diplomacy SouthAmerica4 Defeated 0 1000
18743 Serata Diplomacy 1403 ClassicIER Won 11 1011
18825 Serata Diplomacy 250314 Empire1on1 Won 3 1014
18918 you&me Empire1on1 Won 2 1016
18927 you&me2 Empire1on1 Won 6 1022
18981 you&me3 Empire1on1 Won 4 1026
18996 you&me4 Empire1on1 Won 3 1029
19064 you&me5 Empire1on1 Won 2 1031
19097 you&me6 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1029
19001 Empire1vs1 Empire1on1 Won 6 1035
19117 you&me7 Empire1on1 Won 2 1037
19184 Empire 1vs1 2 Empire1on1 Won 5 1042
19210 you&me_8 Duo Won 5 1047
19215 Empire1vs1 3 Empire1on1 Drawn 0 1047
19248 you&me_9 Duo Defeated -7 1040
19701 Mute Empire4 Drawn 46 1086
20263 Atlantic AtlanticColonies Survived 15 1101
19775 Layered-2 ClassicLayered Won 66 1167
19821 Africa-10 Africa Defeated -41 1126
20262 Pericle AgeOfPericles Drawn 15 1141
20723 There is cake at the end Pure Defeated -25 1116
20505 AmericanConflict AmericanConflict Drawn 29 1145
20261 Forced Africa Defeated -28 1117
20592 Celtic CelticBritain Survived 16 1133
20273 Aberration-2 AberrationV Drawn 81 1214
20625 Enlightenment Enlightenment Defeated -38 1176
21396 (IT)-2 ClassicVS Defeated -4 1172
21395 Eng v Tur-18 ClassicEvT Survived -10 1162
21270 Sudamerica in Italiano SouthAmerica5 Survived 10 1172
20504 Northamerica Empire4 Survived 22 1194
21129 Supremacy SouthAmerica8 Survived -46 1148
20907 Colonial-6 Colonial1885 Defeated -27 1121
21349 Europe1939 Europe1939 Defeated -24 1097
21269 Greek Diplomacy-4 GreekDip Defeated -31 1066
21130 Africa-11 Africa Won 109 1175
21023 The Wooden Sky Colonial1885 Drawn 66 1241
21258 Diplomazia In Italiano Africa Drawn 36 1277
21964 ClassicUSA USofA Won 120 1397
21739 American Empire4 Drawn 29 1426
21350 KnownWorld901 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -27 1399
21975 Classic - Crowded ClassicCrowded Survived 48 1447
21869 Colonial1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 39 1486
22286 American Conflict-4 AmericanConflict Survived 15 1501
21891 Fidel gets a tan in Richmond, VA Empire4 Survived 58 1559
22141 Layered-3 ClassicLayered Drawn 31 1590
22010 Youngstown-4 YoungstownRedux Drawn 25 1615
22287 Mate MateAgainstMate Won 88 1703
22434 Aberrate this one more time 2 day ppsc AberrationV Defeated -6 1697
23057 serata in italiano TenSixtySix_V3 Won 17 1714
22011 YoungstownWWII YoungstownWWII Drawn 14 1728
21960 Imperial Imperial2 Drawn 32 1760
22285 Aberration-3 AberrationV Drawn 17 1777
22472 Gobble-Earth GobbleEarth Survived -39 1738
23258 Italiana ClassicIER Drawn 0 1738
22867 ClassicUSA-2 USofA Won 52 1790
23177 1066 (V3.0) TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -17 1773
23023 Zeus -2 Zeus5 Survived 4 1777
23215 Fog-7 ClassicFog Drawn 7 1784
23874 Cold ColdWar Won 0 1784
23645 Africa-12 Africa Drawn 6 1790
23231 Fall of the American Empire-2 Empire4 Defeated -44 1746
23643 Fog-8 ClassicFog Survived 23 1769
22881 KnowWorld KnownWorld_901 Won 131 1900
24062 Age of Pericles-4 AgeOfPericles Defeated -34 1866
24037 Youngstown World War II-2 YoungstownWWII Drawn 12 1878
24032 World War II-10 WWII Defeated -41 1837
24025 Karibik-5 Karibik Drawn 28 1865
24379 Age of Pericles-5 AgeOfPericles Survived -34 1831
25793 Fall of the American Empire4 Defeated -50 1781
25797 Youngstown -2 YoungstownRedux Survived 18 1799
24280 Silent Haven Haven Defeated -58 1741
25795 Known World-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -44 1697
35924 Atlantic Colonies-9 AtlanticColonies Survived -26 1671
36254 Verdun-17 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -27 1644
35915 Silent Fog-2 ClassicFog Survived -22 1622
36028 World War 2 Blues WWII Defeated -1 1621
35917 Classic Gunboat-6 Classic Survived -36 1585
36204 Youngstown WWII-2 YoungstownWWII Survived -27 1558
35911 FallAmerican Empire4 Drawn 64 1622
36473 Spice Islands-2 SpiceIslands Drawn 17 1639
36462 Youngstown - Redux YoungstownRedux Survived -18 1621
36476 Layered-4 ClassicLayered Won 38 1659
35916 Africa-16 Africa Survived 35 1694
36441 Fog of War-16 ClassicFog Defeated -48 1646
36301 Mars - Final Crusade Mars Drawn 28 1674
36255 Colonial 1885-5 Colonial1885 Survived -25 1649
36634 Machiavelli-3 Machiavelli Survived -42 1607
36633 Fog of War-17 ClassicFog Survived -30 1577
36486 Fall of the American Empire-3 AmericanConflict Survived -32 1545
36730 Economic-4 ClassicEconomic Survived -18 1527
35475 Odd Future WWIV_V6 Defeated -19 1508
36387 Gobble-Earth-3 GobbleEarth Survived -19 1489
36313 Gobble-Earth-2 GobbleEarth Drawn 24 1513
37380 Bonanza AberrationV Defeated -45 1468
37006 Economic-5 ClassicEconomic Survived -30 1438
36192 Imperial-3 Imperial2 Drawn 78 1516
37218 Fog of War-20 ClassicFog Survived -1 1515
36448 Steppe Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -48 1467
36457 Imperial World Imperial2 Drawn 36 1503
37501 WTA FoW ClassicFog Survived -8 1495
37007 Imperial World-2 Imperial2 Drawn 23 1518
37521 Viking Viking Survived -33 1485
37008 Western World WesternWorld_901 Drawn 37 1522
37839 Canton's Calling Canton Defeated -7 1515
37997 Military Supremacy Canton Defeated -10 1505
37033 World-2 World Defeated -50 1455
37523 Abstraction-3 Abstraction3 Survived -7 1448
37859 ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouCan'tJoinTenPointGames-5 ClassicCroatia Defeated -30 1418
37764 Boats with Guns Classic Defeated -20 1398
38033 Edwardian -2 Edwardian Survived 12 1410
38455 1066-30 TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -6 1404
38172 Fog of War-18 ClassicFog Defeated -35 1369
36990 Back to 2 WWII Drawn 19 1388
38530 Manifest Destiny ManifestDestiny Survived -5 1383
38780 War (AIG) ClassicVS Survived -4 1379
38779 War (EIR) ClassicVS Survived -10 1369
38768 Testgame (EFRT) ClassicVS Won 16 1385
38456 Ancient Mediterranean-3 AncMed Survived 22 1407
38454 Fog of War-21 ClassicFog Drawn 43 1450
38872 War (EIA) ClassicVS Survived 4 1454
37333 Wooo KnownWorld_901 Drawn 49 1503
38581 HeptarchyIV HeptarchyIV Defeated -29 1474
38653 Fog of War-22 ClassicFog Survived 10 1484
37085 GDRfantasy Africa Won 73 1557
38744 1898 Fog of War Classic1898Fog Defeated -48 1509
38580 Dark Ages-3 DarkAges Defeated -23 1486
38762 1898 Classic1898 Defeated -44 1442
38333 AWAW1937 WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 51 1493
36742 USA divided Divided_States Defeated -45 1448
38808 War (EFITR) ClassicVS Survived 20 1468
39579 From Claire to Here USofA Defeated 0 1468
39746 War (FGRA) ClassicVS Survived 0 1468
39745 War (EFRT) ClassicVS Survived -7 1461
39747 War (EIRAT) ClassicVS Survived -24 1437
39817 Classic Touchy ClassicTouchy Defeated -46 1391
39819 Fog of War-24 ClassicFog Survived -9 1382
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States Defeated 0 1382
41751 C3corona AncMed Defeated -4 1378
41778 C4Corona SouthAmerica4 Drawn 0 1378
42043 Noi Tre ClassicIER Won 33 1411
42331 Quarantena WWII Drawn 33 1444
49781 GDRfantasy (REFT) ClassicVS Survived -34 1410
50355 GDRfantasy Meditarraneo AncMed Won 78 1488
51623 GDRfantasy World War II WWII Drawn 26 1514
52504 GDRfantasy Youngstown YoungstownWWII Won 94 1608
53926 GDRfantasy Fog ClassicFog Defeated -45 1563
54849 GDRfantasy Classic Classic Drawn 6 1569
55722 GDRfantasy SudAmerica SouthAmerica5 Won 67 1636
57269 GDRfantasy NordAmerica ManifestDestiny Won 61 1697
58651 GDRfantasy WWII WWII Defeated -40 1657