Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Persicus (1132 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
18188 chaos-3 ClassicChaos Survived 112 1112
18283 1648-2 Germany1648 Drawn 25 1137
18973 Of Strength and Honor TenSixtySix Survived 1 1138
18246 Haven. Haven Defeated -25 1113
18242 minnesota swag GreekDip Defeated -14 1099
18503 Imperialism Age Imperial2 Drawn 63 1162
18976 Journey to Miklagard Viking Won 50 1212
19183 RATS! RatWars Won 23 1235
19475 classic 1897 gunboat 24hrs/turn Classic1897 Defeated -33 1202
19453 Celts-2 CelticBritain -9 1193
18908 Gobble Gobble GobbleEarth -54 1139
23057 serata in italiano TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -7 1132