Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for sinax (1006 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
17534 Al-Europe ClassicEvT Survived -8 992
17535 The Royal has Fallen ClassicFvA Survived -8 984
17516 South America war for 4 SouthAmerica4 Drawn 10 994
17057 Amerindian Struggles GreatLakes Drawn 30 1024
17968 Civil War 1x1 - Semi-live-31 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1022
17970 Civil War 1x1 - Semi-live-33 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1021
17523 kings and chiefs Viking Defeated -28 993
17367 middle age is coming... Viking Survived 19 1012
17806 UK Anarchy-2 AnarchyInTheUK Survived 21 1033
18169 1v1-2-2 ClassicFvA Survived -8 1025
17307 Africa-8 Africa Defeated -9 1016
17807 Conquest of Japan Sengoku5 Defeated -30 986
18303 I love the South! Empire1on1 Defeated -3 983
17366 East or West? Colonial Survived 75 1058
18388 Civil War addiction Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1055
17361 Romeward Bound Rinascimento Defeated 0 1055
17368 glory WWII Won 52 1107
18440 Fra v Aus-18 ClassicFvA Survived -11 1096
18510 2 player live ClassicFvA Won 3 1099
18405 english swag 2 Hundred Survived 0 1099
18514 Master Splinter RatWars Survived -21 1078
17536 Northern Peoples DarkAges Defeated -27 1051
18153 Dutch Bros.-2 DutchRevolt Defeated -15 1036
17686 known world! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -25 1011
18282 1648 Germany1648 Survived -29 982
17273 Palimpsest KnownWorld_901 Defeated -20 962
18411 Gobble War! GobbleEarth Survived -31 931
18449 Blood and iron Viking Drawn 24 955
18473 LSVN - Colonial Colonial Drawn 46 1001
17980 Fantasy Team Game FantasyWorld Defeated -38 963
17771 First Crusade (Brand new Variant) FirstCrusade Defeated -13 950
18385 Celts CelticBritain Defeated -17 933
18554 Europe??? Viking Survived -7 926
18527 Rodeo jam WWII Won 51 977
18283 1648-2 Germany1648 Defeated -25 952
18526 Space jam YoungstownWWII Won 68 1020
18448 They're coming!!!!!!!!!!!!! KnownWorld_901 Survived 88 1108
18447 Romeward bound - 2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1108
18503 Imperialism Age Imperial2 Drawn 63 1171
18774 Gods Wills It! FirstCrusade Defeated -31 1140
18410 Gobble War. GobbleEarth Drawn 92 1232
18519 without fear Rinascimento Defeated 0 1232
18479 Please join this will be fun. GobbleEarth Resigned -15 1217
18129 A Sail in the Lakes GreatLakes Defeated -23 1194
18428 So when's the next Apocalypse? WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1194
17933 A New Twist on Old School GobbleEarth Defeated -20 1174
19674 new map testing AtlanticColonies Survived -8 1166
17587 first try-6 FirstCrusade Defeated -28 1138
17936 Marquess Queensberry Rules GobbleEarth Drawn 73 1211
17855 Imperial Diplomacy II Imperial2 -50 1161
19727 Rise of the Qing Colonial1885 Defeated -24 1137
19797 Hablabla KnownWorld_901 Defeated -33 1104
18403 Can Into Imperialism? Remake Imperial2 -35 1069
19990 feudal japan-2 Sengoku5 Drawn 51 1120
20144 Imperial Diplomacy Imperial2 Defeated -40 1080
21826 Cold War-5 ColdWar Survived -6 1074
21159 Florins and Foreigners Rinascimento Survived 0 1074
20816 WWIV WWIV_V6 Defeated -24 1050
22013 ITALY-4 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1050
21953 guns, germs, and steel Imperial2 Defeated 0 1050
22687 1066 and all that-2 TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -9 1041
21499 Not Ringing any Bells in 901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 68 1109
19986 Imperialsim anyone? Imperial2 Defeated -30 1079
22371 imperialism rules the world! Imperial2 Defeated -17 1062
22128 ThisMeansWar KnownWorld_901 Defeated -17 1045
23445 Civil Unrest-14 Empire1on1 Survived -8 1037
22270 wwiv global press. ppsc. 50 sc WWIV Defeated 1 1038
23460 Vladimir, Olaf and the others Viking -13 1025
23386 Who shall own the glorious Jerusalem FirstCrusade -21 1004
22676 Imperialism All Day Every Day Imperial2 Defeated -20 984
23401 Queen Victoria Vampire Hunter Imperial2 Won 143 1127
23858 The old world-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 211 1338
24362 Colonial Diplomacy-3 Colonial Survived 0 1338
24157 India-2 Maharajah Survived -30 1308
24784 @ 1066 it happened TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -15 1293
23974 big money, no wammy Rinascimento Drawn 0 1293
24583 Adriano Celentano's Legacy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1293
24249 Megalomania KnownWorld_901 Defeated -33 1260
25345 1v1-154 ClassicGvR Survived -10 1250
25403 Civil Unrest-21 Empire1on1 Survived -9 1241
25626 Play it! Lepanto Defeated -9 1232
25095 Meanwhile... Europe1600 Defeated -42 1190
25030 Hardrada Viking Survived 13 1203
24969 The Leagues Europe1600 Defeated -31 1172
25665 The Great Electors Germany1648 Survived -19 1153
25763 For the Queen! HeptarchyIV Defeated -25 1128
26018 Chicken Parm Rinascimento Defeated 0 1128
25048 Hydra Gunboat Imperial2 Defeated -23 1105
26414 Great Electors Germany1648 Defeated -27 1078
26557 French Kissing in the USA AmericanConflict -5 1073
26279 Name of this game. KnownWorld_901 Defeated -29 1044
26343 Katie Hopkins Fanclub Colonial Defeated -28 1016
25205 Megalomaniacs KnownWorld_901 Defeated -10 1006