Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for TheEnchanter (898 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
18245 Minnesota Swag-2 ClassicFGA Drawn 0 1000
18262 FFOOOOKK TreatyOfVerdun Survived 0 1000
18255 Practrice 1v1 Lepanto Defeated -8 992
18263 English-4 NorthSeaWars Survived 0 992
18359 English Swag ClassicIER 0 992
18426 Study-Hall without Quinn SailHo2 Survived 0 992
18446 It's all Greek Gunboat to me GreekDip -12 980
18339 Africa!! Africa -4 976
18411 Gobble War! GobbleEarth -9 967
18300 AHS Volly GreekDip Resigned 0 967
18414 Rat Wars AHS RatWars Resigned -15 952
18246 Haven. Haven Defeated -18 934
18763 UNRATED-2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 934
18410 Gobble War. GobbleEarth Defeated -23 911
19351 eZGGeZ TreatyOfVerdun Drawn 0 911
19368 eZ Rekt Kid ClassicFGA Drawn 0 911
19388 eZ Rekt Bitch ClassicIER Resigned 0 911
18760 ++ 卐 ++ Colonial1885 -1 910
21576 Gobble Earth: I wanna play this again!-2 GobbleEarth -12 898
36933 Cucked SouthAmerica4 Drawn 0 898