Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Eki83 (2150 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
19452 Before Europe GreatLakes Defeated -19 981
19406 America -3 Empire4 -24 957
19978 Mare Nostrum AncMed Survived -3 954
19902 The sound of silence-12 Africa Won 130 1084
20495 Burn England to the ground! TenSixtySix Survived -13 1071
20030 Empire_NorthAmerica Empire4 Survived -6 1065
19883 World War I everywhere GobbleEarth Won 131 1196
20510 new colonial Colonial Survived 32 1228
20261 Forced Africa Survived 50 1278
20303 Idi Amin Africa Defeated -25 1253
20273 Aberration-2 AberrationV Defeated -33 1220
20968 Crimea is part of Russia WWII Defeated -30 1190
20996 La gentil culla dell'arte Rinascimento Defeated 0 1190
20980 Darkest Africa Africa Survived 30 1220
20504 Northamerica Empire4 Defeated -13 1207
21129 Supremacy SouthAmerica8 Survived -47 1160
20951 Dutch West Indies Imperial2 Survived 39 1199
21491 Eng v Tur-19 ClassicEvT Survived -10 1189
20826 WWII guns WWII Survived -19 1170
21498 Unholy Actions of Holy Men FirstCrusade Survived -6 1164
21112 Cape to Cairo Railway Africa Won 109 1273
21420 No talk Viking 2day Viking Defeated -34 1239
21159 Florins and Foreigners Rinascimento Won 0 1239
21527 Kangaroo farm MateAgainstMate Survived -19 1220
21632 What Me Worry? AnarchyInTheUK Survived -4 1216
21157 The Ultimate War of the Chia GobbleEarth Survived -41 1175
21480 Italian Job Rinascimento Defeated 0 1175
20946 Known World KnownWorld_901 Defeated -37 1138
21475 Poison Country MateAgainstMate Defeated -25 1113
21745 Darkest Africa III Africa Survived 17 1130
20816 WWIV WWIV_V6 Drawn 61 1191
22013 ITALY-4 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1191
22069 Machiavelli Rinascimento Defeated 0 1191
21499 Not Ringing any Bells in 901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 57 1248
22177 Darkest Africa IV Africa Won 103 1351
22438 World is not enough Imperial2 Survived -1 1350
22283 Modern game-2 Modern2 Drawn 19 1369
22434 Aberrate this one more time 2 day ppsc AberrationV Survived -22 1347
21963 Guns, Germs, and Steel 2 Imperial2 Drawn 31 1378
22774 Fog in Europe ClassicFog Survived -28 1350
21490 imperialism anyone? Imperial2 Drawn 30 1380
23139 (TF)-58 ClassicVS Survived -5 1375
22865 Conflict in the Peloponnesus AgeOfPericles Survived -46 1329
22096 Like no tomorrow Imperial2 Won 149 1478
22860 Hapsburg Hell Germany1648 Defeated -46 1432
22549 Battle for Eurasia YoungstownRedux Survived 39 1471
23126 Age of Pericles-3 AgeOfPericles Survived -3 1468
21714 WWIV - Sealanes - UNRATED WWIVsealanes Drawn 0 1468
22128 ThisMeansWar KnownWorld_901 Drawn 69 1537
23215 Fog-7 ClassicFog Drawn 10 1547
23174 Boshin War Sengoku5 Drawn 69 1616
22970 Rule the Waves-2 Imperial2 Defeated -43 1573
23127 Kangaroo farm-2 MateAgainstMate Drawn 29 1602
23701 Danse Macabre ClassicFvA Won 0 1602
23483 Darkest Africa-2 Africa Survived -19 1583
22270 wwiv global press. ppsc. 50 sc WWIV Survived 19 1602
23278 Vyvyan KnownWorld_901 Drawn 105 1707
23510 Rat wars -2 RatWars Survived -6 1701
23544 Vikings and other bastards Viking Won 35 1736
23231 Fall of the American Empire-2 Empire4 Survived -3 1733
23365 Chesham-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 32 1765
23791 Thor's Hammer Viking Survived -44 1721
21799 Dark Ages-2 DarkAges Survived -34 1687
23765 Aberrate this! AberrationV Survived -16 1671
23851 Sticky Fingers Viking Survived -31 1640
23226 Wassap-2 Imperial2 Survived 38 1678
22881 KnowWorld KnownWorld_901 Survived 67 1745
23894 Europe in 1700 Enlightenment Defeated -29 1716
24037 Youngstown World War II-2 YoungstownWWII Drawn 15 1731
24308 Hollandia DutchRevolt Defeated -43 1688
24425 Low Countries DutchRevolt Drawn 4 1692
24304 Full House Colonial Won 66 1758
24516 The Great Game-3 AtlanticColonies Survived -27 1731
23980 2WWII2 YoungstownWWII Drawn 8 1739
24615 The legacy of Charlemagne TreatyOfVerdun Survived -28 1711
24205 Aberrational AberrationV Drawn 6 1717
23910 Rule the World KnownWorld_901 Drawn 71 1788
24581 Celtic Britain-4 CelticBritain Drawn 0 1788
24578 Brothers on the Slide BuildAnywhere Defeated -48 1740
24792 Four nations AtlanticColonies Won 16 1756
24769 Atlantic Colonies-4 AtlanticColonies Survived -29 1727
24665 Crimea is part of Russia AberrationV Drawn 26 1753
24731 Aberrational II AberrationV Won 55 1808
24561 Kevin-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -72 1736
25277 Abstraction3 Abstraction3 Survived -41 1695
24813 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 3 WWII Drawn 41 1736
24812 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 2 WWII Drawn 16 1752
25305 Colonial 1885-3 Colonial1885 Won 33 1785
25760 Axis and allies Europe1939 Drawn 15 1800
24828 Perestroika Modern2 Drawn 57 1857
25576 Caravaggio Europe1600 Defeated -33 1824
25937 America Wars Empire4 Drawn 13 1837
24814 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 4 WWII Won 89 1926
24811 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 1 WWII Survived -34 1892
26432 Porcelaintower YoungstownRedux Survived 34 1926
24815 WWII Gunboat Series - Game 5 WWII Drawn 27 1953
26539 Fictional FantasyWorld Won 60 2013
26557 French Kissing in the USA AmericanConflict Survived -1 2012
27160 Vikings-3 Viking Survived 9 2021
27231 TOO MUCH CHILE SouthAmerica5 Drawn 6 2027
27300 WC - Scrubs Only (TRFGE) Classic Drawn 3 2030
28042 SERGIO IS A RETARD ColdWar Won 1 2031
24898 Imperial Diplomacy-2 Imperial2 Survived 4 2035
25038 Eternal Damnation Haven Defeated -31 2004
28186 Great War at Europe WWII Drawn 4 2008
28091 HRE rules them all FirstCrusade Won 21 2029
28261 Crusader King FirstCrusade Defeated -48 1981
27845 Lorenzo's gunboat Modern2 Defeated -48 1933
28464 Star of Africa Africa Drawn 15 1948
27113 Can we do this 2? WWIV_V6 Drawn 0 1948
28786 Classic-8 Classic Survived 11 1959
27829 KW 15x15 Game 1 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 0 1959
27888 KW 15x15 Game 2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 0 1959
27887 Rapid Double-Fisted Nine-Mead Faceplanter KnownWorld_901 Defeated -54 1905
29595 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 3 Sengoku5 Drawn 19 1924
29596 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 4 Sengoku5 Defeated -43 1881
28992 Brick by brick Imperial2 Survived -50 1831
29594 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 2 Sengoku5 Defeated -48 1783
29593 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 1 Sengoku5 Defeated -27 1756
29219 KW 15x15 Game 4 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 0 1756
29989 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 6 Sengoku5 Defeated -48 1708
29991 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 8 Sengoku5 Drawn 91 1799
29217 KW 15x15 Game 3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 0 1799
29988 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 5 Sengoku5 Drawn 50 1849
31085 The Steppes of Europe Modern2 Drawn 6 1855
29990 First Sengoku 8x8 - Game 7 Sengoku5 Defeated -41 1814
31700 Old school-2 Enlightenment Defeated -44 1770
31717 foggy XXXXIV ClassicFog Survived 6 1776
32000 Aberration 9x9 Game 3 AberrationV Drawn 52 1828
31999 Aberration 9x9 Game 2 AberrationV Defeated -42 1786
33230 1v1-185 ClassicFvA Won 4 1790
31998 Aberration 9x9 Game 1 AberrationV Defeated -35 1755
32001 Aberration 9x9 Game 4 AberrationV Survived -25 1730
32003 Aberration 9x9 Game 6 AberrationV Drawn 44 1774
31786 You Win or You Die WWIV_V6 Drawn 46 1820
32005 Aberration 9x9 Game 8 AberrationV Defeated -50 1770
33016 Battle of Nagashino Sengoku6 Defeated -23 1747
32006 Aberration 9x9 Game 9 AberrationV Drawn 43 1790
32002 Aberration 9x9 Game 5 AberrationV Defeated -37 1753
32004 Aberration 9x9 Game 7 AberrationV Drawn 61 1814
33437 Something Different - 8 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -44 1770
33243 North America AmericanConflict Drawn 11 1781
33372 Atlantic colonies-7 AtlanticColonies Survived -38 1743
33780 United States of Insanity Divided_States Drawn 0 1743
33540 Eleven's a Crowd ClassicCrowded Drawn 57 1800
34172 Bourse 2018 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 1 1801
34362 Boxer Shorts XXXL Canton Drawn 25 1826
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Defeated -54 1772
34840 America Rising Empire4 Drawn 52 1824
35212 Know thy Enemy, Again KnownWorld_901 Drawn 15 1839
33396 Walking in a Nuclear Winter Wonderland WWIV_V6 Drawn 84 1923
35225 WES901 WesternWorld_901 Survived 0 1923
35868 German Younification Imperial2 Drawn 32 1955
36278 Colonial: Pick Your Plight Colonial1885 Drawn 23 1978
35182 Darwin's Dilemma WWIV_V6 Drawn 20 1998
36255 Colonial 1885-5 Colonial1885 Survived 11 2009
35475 Odd Future WWIV_V6 Defeated -62 1947
33788 Divided States Gunboat Divided_States Defeated -63 1884
36944 HAPPY 2019 Enlightenment Drawn 13 1897
37047 Blitzkrieg Bop WWII Drawn 8 1905
36771 Big Guns YoungstownRedux Drawn 5 1910
36457 Imperial World Imperial2 Drawn 15 1925
38126 Patriots vs Cowboys ManifestDestiny Survived -48 1877
36705 American Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo Divided_States Drawn 91 1968
38101 Smoking jackets and single malt scotch Edwardian3 Drawn 8 1976
39186 Well? ClassicGvR Won 1 1977
39154 Hail Europe! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 25 2002
38804 Choose Your Weapon Europa_Renovatio Drawn 82 2084
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio Defeated -69 2015
41155 Cold Warrrrr ColdWar Won 1 2016
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated 0 2016
38379 The Joys of Federalism Divided_States Drawn 16 2032
38797 Silent Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2032
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated -37 1995
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Defeated -69 1926
42792 Modern Europe Gunboat - stab without fear! A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1926
43154 A Humble Low Stakes Match Modern2 Defeated -28 1898
44923 Corona Gunboat Classic1913 Survived 0 1898
41051 Once you go great you never go good, you never go Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1898
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio Drawn 37 1935
43683 eee Imperial2 Drawn 10 1945
44996 Full-Frontal Scrotal Lobotomy A_Modern_Europe Drawn 23 1968
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Drawn 171 2139
46368 Das U-boat YoungstownWWII Drawn 4 2143
43323 Quarantinovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2143
44455 Disintegration of the U.S. Divided_States Drawn 84 2227
46539 The Big One WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -59 2168
40316 pick your poison Europa_Renovatio Defeated -47 2121
46344 Europa Imperotia 2 Electric boogaloo! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 29 2150
41200 DSA Divided_States Defeated 0 2150