Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Gothika (829 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
19808 ITSLAB AncMed Survived -23 977
19929 itslab4 SailHo2 Defeated -16 961
20053 Ocean view SouthAmerica5 Defeated -16 945
20143 why not make it a quickie AtlanticColonies Survived -11 934
19821 Africa-10 Africa Survived -5 929
19797 Hablabla KnownWorld_901 Survived 18 947
20075 My trireme is bigger than yours AncMed Defeated -13 934
19844 itslab3 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated 5 939
20270 ALLIES VS AXIS WWII Survived -6 933
19905 Serendipity KnownWorld_901 Defeated -13 920
20104 Cadogan KnownWorld_901 Survived -15 905
20273 Aberration-2 AberrationV Defeated -17 888
19708 the last war before we invade aliens WWIV_V6 Defeated -3 885
20631 Latinokidoki SouthAmerica5 Defeated -16 869
20312 World of Empires GobbleEarth -12 857
20563 lamrons Modern2 Defeated -8 849
19777 Gobbledygook GobbleEarth Defeated -20 829