Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Skylin (815 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
19922 Bring Me The Horizon FleetRome Won 88 1088
20447 Punic War 4 AncMed Survived 0 1088
20623 Sky Game Empire1on1 Won 7 1095
20649 Sky Game 2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1101
20653 Sky Game 3 ClassicEvT Survived -9 1092
20346 V for Vaseline AnarchyInTheUK Won 57 1149
20206 Mr. Bones' Wild Ride Sengoku5 Defeated -32 1117
20315 123456abc ClassicPilot Defeated -29 1088
20414 Shaw Festival GreatLakes Drawn 41 1129
20358 mystic river Viking Drawn 16 1145
20366 Italian Supremacy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1145
20261 Forced Africa Survived 26 1171
20701 Fire and Blood Africa Survived -21 1150
21192 Sky Game 4 Duo Won 6 1156
20288 Thousand Islands War GreatLakes Defeated -30 1126
20304 Pope Urban Meyer Rinascimento Drawn 0 1126
20413 WWII-13 WWII Drawn 26 1152
20441 America-9 Empire4 Survived 20 1172
20312 World of Empires GobbleEarth Defeated -34 1138
21316 AFT Trio Game TenSixtySix Won 11 1149
21317 AFT Trio Game 2 ClassicFGA Survived 3 1152
21339 AFT Trio Game 3 TreatyOfVerdun Won 9 1161
20689 Overpowerment Viking Survived -26 1135
21301 Sky teaches Empire1on1 Won 0 1135
20680 Crusaders on a gunboat FirstCrusade Survived 36 1171
20730 The Dark Ages Have Come to Temple DarkAges Survived -44 1127
20925 AbbreviationV AberrationV Defeated 0 1127
21379 MelonLord Hundred Won 27 1154
21002 Youngstown 1939 YoungstownWWII Survived 18 1172
20309 456 KnownWorld_901 Survived 46 1218
21273 Pizza Party Pure Survived -42 1176
20796 Fantasy World FantasyWorld Defeated -30 1146
21059 Temple Youngstown YoungstownWWII Won 115 1261
21300 power trio ClassicIER Won 7 1268
21365 AFT Game 1 AncMed Drawn 29 1297
20976 Silent Fog ClassicFog Survived -23 1274
21352 Doing him an egg 2 Imperial2 Defeated -42 1232
21359 Living Space Europe1939 Defeated -33 1199
21753 Sky Duo ColdWar Won 4 1203
21349 Europe1939 Europe1939 Defeated -27 1176
21443 High Seas Hijinks Pirates Drawn 47 1223
21293 Pobjeda!-2 Germany1648 Survived -47 1176
21581 Lets Hit the Eastern Hemishpere Colonial1885 -38 1138
20945 Empires of the World GobbleEarth Defeated -17 1121
21418 Atlantic Promenade AtlanticColonies Survived -26 1095
21423 Netherland DutchRevolt Survived -13 1082
21636 Pillow Fight! GobbleEarth Survived -36 1046
21700 Blood in the Badlands FirstCrusade Defeated -35 1011
22104 quickie-4 AncMed Defeated -21 990
21633 never forget Empire4 Defeated -4 986
21495 Chaos Chaos Chaos! ClassicChaos Defeated 0 986
21969 clever name goes here Classic Defeated -4 982
21863 All Greek to me-3 GreekDip Defeated -22 960
21350 KnownWorld901 KnownWorld_901 -25 935
21975 Classic - Crowded ClassicCrowded Defeated -13 922
22069 Machiavelli Rinascimento Defeated 0 922
21499 Not Ringing any Bells in 901 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -25 897
21576 Gobble Earth: I wanna play this again!-2 GobbleEarth -11 886
21866 Too Many Cooks! ClassicCrowded Defeated -3 883
21590 Bo-lieve in yourself Imperial2 Defeated -18 865
22770 Swag-2 SouthAmerica4 Defeated -24 841
21587 Let's die Young YoungstownRedux Defeated -10 831
22621 War in Japan Sengoku5 Drawn 152 983
21490 imperialism anyone? Imperial2 Drawn 74 1057
21802 Italy-3 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1057
22565 Exo-Politics AberrationV Defeated -21 1036
22860 Hapsburg Hell Germany1648 Survived -30 1006
22867 ClassicUSA-2 USofA Survived -5 1001
22371 imperialism rules the world! Imperial2 Defeated 1 1002
22942 Destroying instead of Terraforming Mars Defeated -23 979
22941 Celts Being Celtic CelticBritain Defeated -28 951
23409 Perfide Albion NorthSeaWars Survived -21 930
23341 RushnelloS Europe1939 Survived 30 960
21914 Crusade time! FirstCrusade Survived -30 930
22820 Aberrant Behaviorists Collective AberrationV Defeated -2 928
23270 Harmattan 3 Africa Drawn 15 943
22829 Tanks over Banks WWII Defeated -8 935
22270 wwiv global press. ppsc. 50 sc WWIV Survived 170 1105
23243 What Might Have Been AberrationV Defeated -15 1090
23231 Fall of the American Empire-2 Empire4 Defeated -1 1089
23733 Nobunaga's Ambition-2 Sengoku5 Won 0 1089
23386 Who shall own the glorious Jerusalem FirstCrusade Defeated -23 1066
22676 Imperialism All Day Every Day Imperial2 Drawn 68 1134
23790 Take to the Seas ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 5 1139
23365 Chesham-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -30 1109
22844 Opium Wars and Such Colonial Survived 0 1109
23927 EConflict NorthSeaWars Won 34 1143
23627 Second World WAR II YoungstownWWII Drawn 49 1192
23491 WWII Public Press WWII Drawn 11 1203
20562 A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries WWIVsealanes Defeated -12 1191
23959 Bolivar's Bungle SouthAmerica4 Won 0 1191
23401 Queen Victoria Vampire Hunter Imperial2 Defeated -29 1162
23966 my reentry into Vdiplomcy Viking Survived 0 1162
21235 Gunboat - Sealanes WWIVsealanes Defeated -25 1137
23942 Blood Eagle Viking Survived 9 1146
23501 Addicted to Exploitation of the Natives Imperial2 Drawn 64 1210
23851 Sticky Fingers Viking Survived 6 1216
23226 Wassap-2 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1216
23993 Yoshimi Sengoku5 Defeated -20 1196
24072 Youngstown-5 YoungstownRedux Defeated -20 1176
22881 KnowWorld KnownWorld_901 Survived 24 1200
23894 Europe in 1700 Enlightenment Drawn 106 1306
24062 Age of Pericles-4 AgeOfPericles Defeated -12 1294
24253 Youngstown is Awesome YoungstownRedux Survived -12 1282
24025 Karibik-5 Karibik Drawn 61 1343
24368 Conquest AtlanticColonies -23 1320
22702 Live the Fanatsy Haven Defeated -38 1282
23678 Imperialism-5 Imperial2 Defeated -24 1258
23736 Believe in yourself Imperial2 Defeated -7 1251
23975 Budding Empires Classic1897 Drawn 26 1277
23830 Risk and a Memento Rinascimento Defeated 0 1277
24364 Transatlantic Colonization AtlanticColonies Survived -11 1266
23996 E&S - not express Enlightenment Defeated -14 1252
23910 Rule the World KnownWorld_901 Defeated -19 1233
24057 Webdip-Vdip Love Viking Survived -27 1206
24350 Little Italy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1206
23974 big money, no wammy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1206
25002 Skylin vs. Mouse 1 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1203
25003 Skylin vs. Mouse 2 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1201
24693 Tokugawa Times Sengoku5 Defeated -20 1181
24583 Adriano Celentano's Legacy Rinascimento Drawn 0 1181
24665 Crimea is part of Russia AberrationV Drawn 41 1222
24745 Stalin's playground WWII -43 1179
24765 Almost Westeros? AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -25 1154
23677 Great WAR Imperial2 Defeated -7 1147
25061 r.u.ready.2.sail.across.the.Aegean.Sea? GreekDip Survived -2 1145
24694 Clifton KnownWorld_901 Defeated -28 1117
24954 Youngstown-6 YoungstownRedux Defeated -3 1114
25359 Can't See! ClassicFog -28 1086
25095 Meanwhile... Europe1600 Defeated -13 1073
24884 Ochi=XXXX AtlanticColonies Survived -4 1069
25583 Mars-2 Mars Defeated -5 1064
25231 Native American Newbie GreatLakes Defeated -11 1053
25508 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island ClassicChaos Defeated 0 1053
25305 Colonial 1885-3 Colonial1885 Defeated 14 1067
25830 Dream diplo FantasyWorld Defeated -16 1051
25576 Caravaggio Europe1600 Survived -8 1043
26110 Asia Colony Colonial -29 1014
26155 World Conqueror Imperial2 Defeated -13 1001
24864 Marò, Droga e Pastorizia KnownWorld_901 Defeated -4 997
24756 imperial-2 Imperial2 -21 976
24280 Silent Haven Haven Defeated -19 957
27356 Race For The Throne HeptarchyIV Resigned -3 954
27603 The Italian Wars Rinascimento 0 954
27897 Join for a fun gunboat ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -6 948
27726 Nakasendo KnownWorld_901 -40 908
25038 Eternal Damnation Haven Defeated 12 920
27800 Sorry Austria-2 Imperial2 -39 881
30809 Iliad 1 GreekDip Defeated -5 876
30693 MerNorBrisWalEAngexit is cooler than Brexit AnarchyInTheUK -21 855
30761 Hannibal across the Alps Classic Defeated -1 854
30887 Hiding In Iceland - It's WWII WWII -15 839
30844 Easy Rider 7 SouthAmerica8 -17 822
30613 Victoria 2-the Old World divided Colonial1885 -7 815