Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Fenris (1373 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
42 Return of the Empanadas SouthAmerica8 Defeated -35 965
16 Imperial Madness Imperium Survived -8 957
220 another clever witty name Empire1on1 Drawn 0 957
5 Rinascimento Harlequinade Rinascimento Drawn 0 957
3 the old world Modern2 Drawn 25 982
32 shogun Sengoku5 Defeated -22 960
80 Bring it, daimyo!!! Sengoku5 Drawn 59 1019
29 Colonialism! Colonial Drawn 22 1041
2 Merry Xmas battle Empire4 Drawn 78 1119
700 Silence is golden. PURE silance is Diamond. Pure Defeated -37 1082
452 Japanese Diplomacy Sengoku5 Drawn 50 1132
406 Italian Unification wars part 2 Rinascimento Survived 0 1132
533 The Asian War (War Declaration Match) Colonial Drawn 11 1143
381 The Italian Unification Wars Rinascimento Defeated 0 1143
689 The Stab Down Under MateAgainstMate Drawn 45 1188
717 Economy ClassicEconomic Drawn 12 1200
680 Karibik Cartels Dos Karibik Drawn 26 1226
679 Samarai Sashimi Sengoku5 Drawn 15 1241
318 First Play HAVEN Haven Defeated -51 1190
1014 Medieval Conquests TenSixtySix Drawn 6 1196
696 Papal States Rinascimento Survived 0 1196
1087 Raj Rulers Colonial Drawn 8 1204
1193 For all the opium in India Colonial Drawn 4 1208
1371 Fall of the Roman Empire Imperium Defeated -28 1180
1273 FOW-ANON-GUNBOAT-10 POINT- 24 HOURS- DON'T JOIN IF ClassicFog Survived -32 1148
1085 European Disunion Modern2 Drawn 49 1197
1366 Big Stick Diplomacy Karibik Drawn 37 1234
1432 Do I hear 2 points? GreekDip Survived -8 1226
1160 Borgia Bluff Rinascimento Drawn 0 1226
1433 bidding wars! GreekDip Drawn 29 1255
1297 G'Day MateAgainstMate Drawn 36 1291
1420 Hmm, Foggy Night Isn't it? ClassicFog Defeated -36 1255
648 First Masssive World IV Game (dedicated to Oli) WWIV Drawn 49 1304
2203 Sengoku Jidai Sengoku5 Defeated -40 1264
2413 Ninjas and Samurai Sengoku5 Drawn 25 1289
2328 Spaghetti and Meatballs Rinascimento Drawn 0 1289
2201 Italian wars 1 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1289
2204 Modern warfare Modern2 Drawn 50 1339
2202 Italian wars 2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1339
2802 Balkans Experiment BalkanWarsVI Drawn 0 1339
2964 Modern Dangers Modern2 Drawn 34 1373