Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Heauxmstead:

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
21019 AVT ClassicEvT Survived -8 992
20867 pandasneedtivo2 Classic Survived -33 959
21298 Watermelon Lovers-2 SouthAmerica5 Defeated -27 932
21086 gregorus Classic Survived 71 1003
21622 Judgement of Zeus AncMed Defeated -20 983
21269 Greek Diplomacy-4 GreekDip Drawn 84 1067
21581 Lets Hit the Eastern Hemishpere Colonial1885 -34 1033
21632 What Me Worry? AnarchyInTheUK -12 1021
21636 Pillow Fight! GobbleEarth -7 1014
20946 Known World KnownWorld_901 Defeated -31 983
21570 A Viking We Shall Go Viking -26 957
20889 Voittajat voittaa AnarchyInTheUK -8 949
21633 never forget Empire4 -26 923
21867 Maybe the dingo ate your diplomacy board! MateAgainstMate -15 908
21350 KnownWorld901 KnownWorld_901 -24 884
21663 The Smyler with the Knyf Rinascimento 0 884
21711 Abomination AberrationV -30 854
21587 Let's die Young YoungstownRedux -25 829