Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for SafetyMollusc (1078 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
23046 HatchOfficeSideGame5 ClassicFog Won 195 1195
22790 HatchOfficeGamePassPro AberrationV Drawn 33 1228
23951 HatchOfficeGameUK HeptarchyIV Defeated -44 1184
23829 HatchOfficeGameKaribik Karibik Survived -44 1140
24168 HatchOfficeGameColonialDiplomacy Colonial Resigned -45 1095
24935 HatchOfficeGame7Islands ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 4 1099
25274 HatchOfficeAncMed2 AncMed Drawn 5 1104
25632 WW2-11 WWII Resigned -5 1099
25521 HatchOfficeAncMed3 AncMed Survived -26 1073
29286 Hatchsud2016Dec3 CustomStart Defeated 0 1073
29755 Hatchsud2017Jan ClassicFog Drawn 5 1078