Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Shep315 (1435 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
21 One Hundred Years of Waffles Hundred Survived -11 989
197 hundred again? Hundred Won 33 1022
87 Utrecht v. Arras DutchRevolt Drawn 0 1022
214 Lepanto Lepanto Won 7 1029
42 Return of the Empanadas SouthAmerica8 Drawn 34 1063
16 Imperial Madness Imperium Defeated -34 1029
191 BelhBleh Empire1on1 Survived -8 1021
11 Karibik Karibik Defeated -36 985
12 Fantasy FantasyWorld Defeated -37 948
32 shogun Sengoku5 Drawn 24 972
409 5 SouthAmerica5 Drawn 21 993
416 The Dutch War DutchRevolt Drawn 7 1000
428 I'm thinking of a sleety Groundhog's Day... (10) Classic Defeated -32 968
443 South America-2 SouthAmerica4 Defeated -19 949
446 Imperium! Imperium Survived -21 928
451 The Second Dutch War DutchRevolt Survived -15 913
455 livegame-2 ClassicFvA Won 8 921
80 Bring it, daimyo!!! Sengoku5 Drawn 62 983
29 Colonialism! Colonial Drawn 23 1006
295 France's Revenge (war declaration) Classic1880 Survived 19 1025
43 War! (war declaration match) ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -34 991
198 crowded wars... ClassicCrowded Defeated -38 953
406 Italian Unification wars part 2 Rinascimento Won 0 953
809 Let's be civil Empire1on1 Drawn 0 953
850 Shep vs Butter vs Ancient Round 1 ClassicIER Won 36 989
533 The Asian War (War Declaration Match) Colonial Drawn 13 1002
862 East vs. West ClassicFGvsRT Survived -6 996
869 Semi-Live Empire1on1 Won 7 1003
890 Shep vs. Butter-2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 7 1010
381 The Italian Unification Wars Rinascimento Drawn 0 1010
894 Spamboat 1 ClassicIER Survived -20 990
884 Shep vs. Butter Empire1on1 Won 7 997
435 1897 Classic1897 Drawn 45 1042
51 Conquerors World Defeated -44 998
1068 Ye Old Game TenSixtySix Drawn 8 1006
1071 Shep vs. Butter vs. Ancient Round 2 TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1006
1080 Ye Old Live Game TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1006
440 Chaos Strikes Again! ClassicChaos Defeated -42 964
848 Chaoctopi: Spammers wanted. ClassicChaoctopi Drawn 50 1014
1103 Semi-Live 1066 TenSixtySix Won 24 1038
1162 Live! TenSixtySix Won 31 1069
1187 Duel-10 ClassicFGvsRT Won 7 1076
1204 Norman Noobs TenSixtySix Defeated -17 1059
1231 England! TenSixtySix Survived 3 1062
1115 Tis a Viking Vessel TenSixtySix Won 30 1092
1133 Chaos: Team Game ClassicChaos Drawn 39 1131
938 I Control America! Empire4 Drawn 32 1163
653 world war IV!!! WWIV Drawn 61 1224
1371 Fall of the Roman Empire Imperium Defeated -29 1195
1082 neiderlander DutchRevolt Won 28 1223
1546 game-3 ClassicFGvsRT Won 2 1225
1547 game-4 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -10 1215
1523 GvI-3 ClassicGvI Survived -10 1205
1485 This Land of Kings TenSixtySix Drawn 11 1216
1509 YAY TenSixtySix Won 9 1225
1422 Ready... setGO Imperium Drawn 25 1250
1595 LEPANTOOOOO!! Lepanto Drawn 0 1250
1366 Big Stick Diplomacy Karibik Drawn 35 1285
1710 Ode to ye ol 1066 TenSixtySix Won 11 1296
1882 Live Gunboat TenSixtySix Won 11 1307
1433 bidding wars! GreekDip Drawn 26 1333
1856 1066 Gunboat Test TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1333
1865 1066 Gunboat Test-2 TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1333
1701 Everyone in England TenSixtySix Survived -12 1321
1893 Gunboat Test 3 TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1321
1896 Gunboat Test 4 TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1321
1927 1066-7 TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1321
1084 Chaos 3, The Revenge of Everyone ClassicChaos Defeated -48 1273
1894 We will fight on the beaches...? TenSixtySix Won 12 1285
1603 Living History ClassicEconomic Drawn 0 1285
1562 Colonial Colonial Drawn 9 1294
1613 Deutschland Germany1648 Won 74 1368
1420 Hmm, Foggy Night Isn't it? ClassicFog Drawn 34 1402
2127 South Anerica Gunboat SouthAmerica4 Survived -9 1393
1465 Jolly Green Giants MateAgainstMate Won 76 1469
648 First Masssive World IV Game (dedicated to Oli) WWIV Drawn 37 1506
2428 AWhateverGame (IA) ClassicVS Survived -10 1496
1321 World Diplomacy: Team Game World Defeated -57 1439
2119 WW2 Crowded ClassicCrowded Drawn 33 1472
2412 Another Viking Gunboat TenSixtySix Survived -23 1449
2485 Holland DutchRevolt Won 24 1473
2413 Ninjas and Samurai Sengoku5 Drawn 18 1491
2328 Spaghetti and Meatballs Rinascimento Drawn 0 1491
2751 2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 4 1495
2754 Grey vs. brown ClassicFGvsRT Won 3 1498
2770 Live!-2 TenSixtySix Defeated -17 1481
2806 fast two -2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1487
2807 fast three TenSixtySix Won 23 1510
2777 Shep vs. LoD ClassicFGvsRT Won 3 1513
2411 Bolivar's Nightmare SouthAmerica8 Drawn 25 1538
2410 The Continental War (FIAG) ClassicVS Drawn 0 1538
2767 FOW Gunboat-5 ClassicFog Survived -41 1497
2926 Peloponnesian War GreekDip Drawn 0 1497
2856 The Great Balkan War BalkanWarsVI Drawn 11 1508
2655 cheap colonial Colonial Defeated -39 1469
3077 Ger vs Aus (GA) ClassicVS Survived -10 1459
2624 Dutch Revolt and stuff DutchRevolt Won 60 1519
2529 Higher bet? WWIV Drawn 34 1553
2783 Diplomacy Crash Course ClassicGreyPress Defeated -48 1505
2385 The War of the World WWIV Resigned -60 1445
3102 Butterhead's war for America: The North American W Empire4 Resigned -52 1393
3030 Who want's to be a Pope? Rinascimento Resigned 0 1393
3152 Under Siege! Empire4 Drawn 0 1393
3010 War for America: Mass Panic Empire4 Defeated -45 1348
2677 Silvio Berlusconi! Rinascimento Defeated 0 1348
6428 Shep Vs. Butter-3 ClassicEvT Won 5 1353
6190 Soap's Worst Nightmare, Shepherd Returns Colonial Drawn 0 1353
6090 Fatherlands Abstraction3 Won 58 1411
6809 Nucleation I TreatyOfVerdun Survived -20 1391
6216 Viking power! Viking Survived 17 1408
6960 Shep vs. TT ClassicEvT Won 8 1416
7009 Ye Old Spamboat TreatyOfVerdun Drawn 0 1416
7084 Shep vs. TT-2 ClassicEvT Survived -8 1408
7135 Randomness (FE) ClassicVS Won 8 1416
6477 W W I I Europe1939 Drawn 18 1434
6599 War, war never changes. Classic Survived -40 1394
6586 VDCT Classic Classic Drawn 24 1418
6648 Golden Fascist Sheep TenSixtySix Survived -11 1407
7063 Sid Meier Pirates! Pirates Drawn 0 1407
6429 The World at War Europe1939 Survived -52 1355
7479 So Where's the Turtles? RatWars Survived 13 1368
7494 Cheap Live Gunboat TreatyOfVerdun Survived -2 1366
7493 Juggy ClassicFGvsRT Defeated -11 1355
7534 Entente vs. Juggernaut (EFvsRT) ClassicVS Drawn 13 1368
6345 Extreme personalities (entertainment value only!) KnownWorld_901 Drawn 12 1380
7244 Imma Little Dutch Boy DutchRevolt Won 57 1437
7257 Sagas, Caliphs, Franks and Emperors Viking Won 28 1465
6392 War is [Heaven] Part 2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 46 1511
6670 The Shepherd Invitational YoungstownRedux Survived -59 1452
7454 FOW Gunboat-18 ClassicFog Survived -12 1440
7006 Winning! ClassicChaos Drawn 77 1517
6835 Must have a winner, no draws!!! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1517
7858 The War of the Dutch DutchRevolt Won 56 1573
7933 Chargers AncMed Survived -30 1543
7845 Good Queen Bess DutchRevolt Survived 16 1559
7367 Classic Game Classic Defeated -25 1534
7473 Imperialism 2.0 Colonial Drawn 18 1552
7961 Classic Variants: game 5 CustomStart Drawn 14 1566
7957 Classic Variants: game 1 Classic Drawn 18 1584
7830 Holy's Crusade YoungstownRedux Drawn 36 1620
6928 TEAM Habelya Habelya Defeated -44 1576
8468 A World Vacation Zeus5 Survived -41 1535
8467 A Summer in Germany Germany1648 Survived 11 1546
8466 A Summer in Australia MateAgainstMate Drawn 18 1564
8123 Whittle Down Tournament 2012 Migraine 1 Migraine Defeated -50 1514
8465 A Summer Game AmericanConflict Defeated -44 1470
7273 Fanfare I WWIV Drawn 37 1507
8536 7 Powers (Team Game) WWIV Drawn 7 1514
7883 War is Hell WWIV Defeated -37 1477
8651 Winter is Coming... Empire4 Defeated -29 1448
11272 The new 1066 TenSixtySix_V2 Won 16 1464
11385 1066 V2.0 Test Gunboat TenSixtySix_V2 Drawn 0 1464
11252 Contract Gunboat - V GreatLakes Defeated -42 1422
10753 Global only CHAOS! ClassicChaos Drawn 102 1524
11374 Nothin Classy ClassicFog Drawn 22 1546
11402 The Colonial world -2 Imperial2 Drawn 14 1560
11446 The Capitols! Enlightenment Defeated -1 1559
11121 I bless the rains down in AFRICA Africa Drawn 45 1604
11903 Contract Gunboat - VI GreatLakes Drawn 19 1623
11219 The Great Storm Enlightenment Drawn 51 1674
12500 William and the Oranges DutchRevolt Drawn 3 1677
8986 Grab Your Buddy: Two Player Team Game WWIV Defeated -51 1626
15269 fogboat-11 ClassicFog Won 122 1748
14592 Buttergoose World War IV WWIV Drawn 19 1767
15595 Game of Thrones TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -25 1742
15739 game of thrones II TenSixtySix Drawn 4 1746
15636 fogboat-12 ClassicFog Defeated -48 1698
15682 Buttergoose Haven Bracket Haven Defeated -48 1650
15772 Japan United Sengoku5 Defeated -41 1609
15732 Fogboat with diary ClassicFog Defeated -38 1571
16083 New Variant? Don't Mind if I Do! AberrationV Survived -6 1565
16491 Capture Your Capital Modern2 Defeated -7 1558
16538 Classic No Press Classic Defeated -38 1520
16418 The King is Dead! Classic1897 Drawn 12 1532
17680 Buttergoose Tourney - L round 3 FantasyWorld Drawn 13 1545
14120 Summer of War WWIV Defeated -36 1509
18221 Buttergoose Imperial Imperial2 Defeated -43 1466
16661 A New Era WWIV_V6 Defeated -31 1435