Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for ostapbender (988 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
233 OB vs mace ClassicFvA Survived -8 992
305 wta-2 SouthAmerica4 Defeated -20 972
362 France vs Germany vs Austria ClassicFGA Won 35 1007
447 100 hundred years Hundred Survived -5 1002
479 livegame ClassicGvI Won 7 1009
483 livegame-3 ClassicGvI Survived -9 1000
610 Hundred Live-2 Hundred Won 12 1012
396 Alea jacta est! AncMed Survived -23 989
335 JJJ Sengoku5 Survived -36 953
334 1897! Classic1897 Drawn 25 978
282 Modernization Modern2 Drawn 48 1026
703 Evandro vs. Guido Lepanto Drawn 0 1026
420 Conquistador SouthAmerica8 Survived -39 987
452 Japanese Diplomacy Sengoku5 Defeated -32 955
406 Italian Unification wars part 2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 955
686 evolution AncMed Drawn 17 972
736 economic try ClassicEconomic Survived 5 977
1029 Franco-Austrian Wargames ClassicFvA Survived -7 970
313 HighStake Colonial Colonial Drawn 34 1004
440 Chaos Strikes Again! ClassicChaos Defeated -41 963
679 Samarai Sashimi Sengoku5 Drawn 21 984
696 Papal States Rinascimento Defeated 0 984
641 AE 1 Empire4 Defeated -31 953
332 Realms of Conquest Haven Drawn 52 1005
1334 Hammer of Thor TenSixtySix Defeated -17 988
1232 The name of your game Sengoku5 Drawn 54 1042
1333 He who controls the poppies controls Asia Colonial Drawn 16 1058
1544 Post Cold War Modern2 Defeated -34 1024
1707 WWIV - Gunboat - Finalise Quick WWIV Defeated -36 988