Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for DogsRule11 (866 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
25978 NMS War ClassicIER Survived -3 997
26019 NMS (FT) ClassicVS Won 8 1005
26020 Dog vs Arg ClassicFvA Won 8 1013
26031 Jazz WAR 2.0 ClassicFGA Survived -2 1011
26051 Withy v. Dog ClassicFvA Survived -8 1003
26042 South America War SouthAmerica4 Survived -15 988
26092 Cold War 2.0 ColdWar Won 8 996
26146 Civil War NMS Empire1on1 Drawn 0 996
26237 Dog v Arg ClassicFGvsRT Survived -8 988
26254 WDgame_1 Duo Won 0 988
26248 Dog vs Arg-2 Duo Defeated -6 982
26349 Yos vs Dog ClassicEvT Defeated -2 980
26340 Dog v Arg (EG) ClassicVS Won 8 988
26401 WvD2 ColdWar Won 3 991
26418 Please join!-2 ClassicEvT Survived -6 985
26450 Dog v Arg-3 ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 993
25645 WWII-16 WWII Drawn 18 1011
26456 Dog v Arg--4 Lepanto Defeated 0 1011
26070 1880 Classic Classic1880 Defeated -25 986
26496 Play me! (IE) ClassicVS Survived -7 979
26500 Dogargwithy Hundred Drawn 0 979
26467 Dog v Arg v Yos ClassicFGA Won 10 989
26515 Dogargwithy in Verdun TreatyOfVerdun Defeated 0 989
26516 Arg Withy.. Dog! TenSixtySix_V3 Survived 0 989
26528 Cold War Dog v Arg-2 ColdWar Defeated 0 989
26527 Cold War Dog v Arg ColdWar Defeated 0 989
26614 Face Off-2 ClassicGvR Resigned 0 989
26714 Doggy Argie Two ClassicGvR Defeated 0 989
26713 Doggy Argie One ClassicGvR Survived 0 989
26238 Martina (Rinascimento) Rinascimento Defeated 0 989
26773 Blah-5 ClassicEvT Won 0 989
26780 El Deutsch TreatyOfVerdun Won 11 1000
26775 Dogsrule ColdWar Won 7 1007
26781 El Russka TreatyOfVerdun Survived 6 1013
26141 NMS WAR! WWII Defeated -23 990
26596 Newarkian South SouthAmerica5 Won 47 1037
26785 Dogs vs. Finkey ClassicEvT Survived -8 1029
26786 Dogs vs. Finkey-2 ClassicEvT Survived -8 1021
26642 Après moi, le déluge AncMed Defeated -22 999
26689 Play on. ClassicIER Survived -12 987
26811 1-11 ClassicGvI Survived 0 987
26476 NMS Youngstown War YoungstownRedux Defeated -29 958
26837 Please join! (EI) ClassicVS Won 8 966
26873 Cold War-27 ColdWar Defeated -3 963
26506 lightning attack Europe1939 Defeated -27 936
26509 War in Newark WWII Drawn 44 980
26784 Seward Newark Dunkirk AtlanticColonies Won 25 1005
26823 Calamari Mania ClassicIER Won 8 1013
26915 FvA Live-2 ClassicFvA Survived -5 1008
26913 We're gonna duel (RF)-2 ClassicVS Won 7 1015
26836 Three Player Variant ClassicIER Survived -17 998
26581 Abstraction War Abstraction3 Defeated -22 976
26941 Germany V. Russia live ClassicGvR Won 11 987
26916 Cold War OvJ ColdWar Defeated 0 987
26931 Cold War 1 ColdWar Won 4 991
26319 NMS war let's try this again. AberrationV Defeated -18 973
26952 JvO (GA) ClassicVS Survived 0 973
26959 Join-8 Duo Won 6 979
26955 DRvAE Game 2 (AE leads 1-0) Duo Drawn 0 979
26934 Let's try this! (FIR) ClassicVS Survived -10 969
27000 DRvAE (FR)-2 ClassicVS Survived 0 969
26960 DRvAE game 2 redo (AE leads 1-0) ClassicGvI Defeated 0 969
26999 DRvAE (FR) ClassicVS Won 0 969
26838 The First War of Greece GreekDip Defeated -27 942
26971 DRvAE game 3 (AE leads 2-0) Empire1on1 Won 0 942
25113 Imperial_Game Imperial2 Defeated -16 926
26867 The Mists of Time AncMed Won 56 982
26569 war of sa SouthAmerica4 Drawn 20 1002
26899 Newark War III AmericanConflict Drawn 27 1029
26657 King's Diplomacy Maharajah Survived 54 1083
26924 FGA ClassicFGA Drawn 2 1085
27060 NMS Semifinal #1:WWvDR Duo Won 0 1085
27085 Verdunboat-2 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -18 1067
26920 Greasy Greece 2 GreekDip Survived -9 1058
26465 NMS war chaos Empire4 Defeated -28 1030
27040 DRINK and FIGHT 100 Hundred Won 0 1030
26539 Fictional FantasyWorld Defeated -12 1018
27046 Kahoot SouthAmerica4 Won 31 1049
27134 Scrambled ClassicEvT Won 6 1055
26441 Hot Carpet YoungstownRedux Drawn 31 1086
26545 WWII-18 WWII Drawn 18 1104
27044 Ouch Colonial Drawn 7 1111
26776 Octopus Gunboat-9 ClassicOctopus Drawn 13 1124
27049 DRvAE game 7 Lepanto Won 0 1124
27208 1 v 1 Anyone Can Join-2 ColdWar Defeated -3 1121
26871 ancient warfare AncMed Defeated -24 1097
26898 Lemurs are fuzzy Africa Defeated -31 1066
26979 What the hell more islands? ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 0 1066
27269 单调练兵第一局 ClassicGvI Resigned -4 1062
27252 Dog v yos ClassicEvT Won 0 1062
27226 Do the Greek Dip... GreekDip Survived 23 1085
26803 Medieval Mosh Pit FirstCrusade Defeated -17 1068
27160 Vikings-3 Viking Survived 1 1069
26817 New Jersey Modern2 Defeated -33 1036
27029 Parramatta Eels MateAgainstMate Drawn 18 1054
26988 Pray This Way, Not That Way. Hussite Defeated -26 1028
27101 Aberration fun! AberrationV Defeated 0 1028
27217 Med-2 AncMed Defeated -32 996
27109 Sika Dwa Kofi Africa Defeated -17 979
27031 Daimyo Madness Sengoku5 Survived -13 966
26084 IDS KnownWorld_901 -24 942
27141 7 Islands Classic ClassicSevenIslands -23 919
26978 Cold blooded fog ClassicFog -14 905
27017 FAR MateAgainstMate Defeated -18 887
27173 But where's the Great Wall? Colonial -8 879
25970 Posterior Purloiners Pirates Resigned -7 872
27048 DRvAE game 6 (AE leads 3-2) Lepanto Defeated 0 872
27406 NHS FTW AnarchyInTheUK Resigned 3 875
26356 NMS fantasy Haven Defeated -19 856
26766 WW III World -14 842
27256 Imperialist Imperial2 -6 836
26241 World War Stun World -5 831
27056 AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gunboat Empire4 -5 826
27182 VIVA LA WEEDMILLS DutchRevolt -21 805
27144 Flipping Generals SRG FantasyWorld Defeated 0 805
27122 Barbarossa WWII Survived 16 821
28719 Classic (FRI) ClassicVS Defeated -7 814
26939 Can we do this? WWIV -13 801
27113 Can we do this 2? WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 801
29069 Thermonuclear War Is So Fun-2 ColdWar Resigned -2 799
27798 Sorry Austria Imperial2 Defeated -2 797
29262 T vs F (FT)-12 ClassicVS Survived -1 796
29336 1on1-9 ClassicFvA Won 0 796
29382 American Conflict-5 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 794
28988 Thankful for the Holy Land FirstCrusade Defeated -5 789
29441 1x1 Civil War Semi-Live-64 Empire1on1 Defeated 0 789
29442 1x1 Civil War Semi-Live-65 Empire1on1 Survived -3 786
28289 NOT HOLLAND AGAIN Imperial2 Defeated 0 786
29436 American Gun #4d Empire1on1 Won 4 790
29288 Jokers SouthAmerica4 Survived 0 790
28809 #Modern Modern2 Survived -2 788
29554 1x1 GvI semi-live ClassicGvI Survived 0 788
29007 Learning 1600 Europe1600 Defeated 0 788
28743 Let us get acquainted WWII Survived -10 778
28592 Guns, boats, and 901 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -7 771
28902 news Classic1880 Survived -7 764
29424 warsaw, city at war! ClassicFog Survived 0 764
29940 Why Not-2 Lepanto Won 10 774
26693 Join the game Haven Survived 0 774
30162 1x1 Civil War Semi-Live-109 Empire1on1 Defeated 0 774
30188 1x1 Duo semi-live-18 Duo Defeated -2 772
30214 1 on 1 -3 ClassicFvA Won 10 782
28859 Be quiet! Imperial2 Drawn 47 829
30296 DRvMM ClassicEvT Survived -6 823
30073 dikke papluul Duo Defeated 0 823
30390 C'mon guys quick game it'll take 10 minutes ColdWar Defeated -5 818
29271 ImperialDiplo(negotiations/treaties encouraged!) Imperial2 Defeated -22 796
28566 Diplomacy Supreme WWIV Defeated -2 794
27297 FIGHT !!! Imperial2 Defeated 5 799
29788 news: Inauguration style SouthAmerica8 Survived 67 866
30547 1 v 1 Ongoing Doldrums ClassicEvT Won 8 874
28992 Brick by brick Imperial2 Survived 1 875
29508 Aberrant 1 AberrationV Drawn 98 973
29642 Who chooses Austria #hero Classic Defeated -2 971
30358 Africa-15 Africa Won 201 1172
30496 Classic is better Classic Survived -24 1148
29802 Messages ClassicGreyPress Drawn 0 1148
30367 Original Abstraction3 Drawn 39 1187
29548 Have I done this variant before? Colonial1885 Drawn 53 1240
26970 FR ClassicSevenIslands -7 1233
30097 As long as I live Imperial2 Drawn 32 1265
30468 Diplomacy Dream Europe1600 Defeated -27 1238
30789 Greek Diplomacy 6.5 GreekDip Survived -12 1226
30250 Fall of the American Empire II Empire4 Defeated -34 1192
30693 MerNorBrisWalEAngexit is cooler than Brexit AnarchyInTheUK -29 1163
30876 RHS-Weeb Hunter FirstCrusade Defeated -37 1126
30774 Easy Peasy Modern2 Survived 23 1149
30853 Easy Rider 8 -2 Africa Defeated -29 1120
30861 Veni, vidi, vici! Modern2 Defeated -10 1110
30699 Easy Rider 5 Colonial Defeated -9 1101
31019 Ragnar Rulez Viking Defeated -29 1072
30886 Race For Switzerland Modern2 Defeated -33 1039
30930 Colonial Gunboat-2 Colonial1885 Defeated -30 1009
30613 Victoria 2-the Old World divided Colonial1885 -9 1000
30374 Practice, practice, practice! Imperial2 Defeated 0 1000
31085 The Steppes of Europe Modern2 -34 966
30278 "Et tu Brute?" WWIV_V6 Defeated -10 956
30856 Choose it good luck ! Colonial -25 931
32161 AP euro Europe1600 Drawn 45 976
32293 Balkans! Balkans1860 Drawn 55 1031
32683 cbk-6 Hundred Won 49 1080
30000 Launching of WWX WWIV Defeated -1 1079
32969 Crimea is Ukraine Europe1600 Defeated -37 1042
30508 WWIV Gunboat WWIV_V6 -5 1037
33202 DRvAE (AE leads 12-8) ClassicFvA Won 7 1044
32985 The Spoils of War Napoleonic Survived -23 1021
32659 °Schwifty in Here° AberrationV Survived -32 989
33262 Study Hall Material ClassicFGA Survived -14 975
32018 GE GobbleEarth Survived 57 1032
31786 You Win or You Die WWIV_V6 0 1032
32834 New WW WWIV -32 1000
35015 Apart AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -27 973
35201 Go West! ManifestDestiny Drawn 17 990
35068 Gettin’ Spicy SpiceIslands Survived -13 977
35022 För ze Kaiser! Edwardian Defeated -28 949
35045 Kings with pointy facial hair Edwardian Drawn 17 966
34905 The Emperor’s Old Clothes Imperial2 -20 946
34977 Austrian Succession Gunboat AustrianSuccession Defeated -21 925
33046 Public WWIV WWIV -49 876
35340 A Dance of Empires Canton -15 861
35058 Colonial 1885-4 Colonial1885 -20 841
35212 Know thy Enemy, Again KnownWorld_901 -39 802
35028 The Civil Warld Imperial2 Defeated -17 785
34637 Embassy Cable GobbleEarth Defeated 0 785
35182 Darwin's Dilemma WWIV_V6 -4 781
33781 Divided States of 'Murica Divided_States -4 777
33790 The Trump Effect Divided_States -4 773
40563 SPQR PunicWars Survived 0 773
39678 Colonies-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 100 873
41103 (Russia vs France) ClassicVS Won 3 876
40677 War of the Yeet Sucession AustrianSuccession Drawn 42 918
40612 Good Job Kurt! A_Modern_Europe Drawn 78 996
40606 A modern Gunboat Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 21 1017
41174 Arturo is gay SouthAmerica4 Won 108 1125
41147 Anarchy in da UK AnarchyInTheUK Survived 0 1125
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States -35 1090
41146 More Coffee and More... Ivory! Africa Drawn 25 1115
40907 Classic-12 Classic Defeated 0 1115
40643 An Anonymous World War WWII Survived 0 1115
40974 Colonial Gunboat-4 Colonial1885 Drawn 26 1141
41678 Not Historically Accurate (FR) ClassicVS Survived -7 1134
41148 Going Dutch-2 DutchRevolt Defeated -17 1117
41169 Bronze and Blood AncMed Drawn 25 1142
41806 1v1-234 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1142
38379 The Joys of Federalism Divided_States Drawn 78 1220
42022 Commotion ColdWar Defeated -5 1215
41083 Oh sweet colonies Colonial1885 Defeated -18 1197
40548 Imperial 2 lads(13players!) Imperial2 Drawn 37 1234
41595 Corona Diplomacy GreekDip Survived -49 1185
41143 Ye it's a modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 77 1262
41478 More Coffee and More... Gold!!! Africa Defeated -19 1243
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Drawn 48 1291
40679 Colonial Days! Colonial1885 Drawn 24 1315
39415 A gentleman's pace - ready builds and retreats! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 52 1367
41780 The Great European War Enlightenment Drawn 34 1401
41541 No chat just fun 37-2 Classic Defeated -27 1374
42572 Corona Diplomacy 2: Electric Boogaloo GreekDip Survived -30 1344
41662 Just in Time III Classic1897 Drawn 32 1376
42447 Gunboat - traditional Classic Drawn 32 1408
42210 Home game AnarchyInTheUK Survived 0 1408
41713 1937 Gunboat - stab away! WorldAtWar1937 -44 1364
39947 EU IV Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1364
40911 Imperalismo Imperial2 Drawn 39 1403
42241 Colonial Fun Colonial1885 Defeated -32 1371
41370 For Opium! 2, electric boogaloo. Imperial2 Survived -27 1344
41961 Covid Holiday KnownWorld_901 Drawn 44 1388
43041 More Coffee and More... Wisdom!!! Africa Drawn 8 1396
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio Drawn 156 1552
41125 So long, my son KnownWorld_901 Drawn 102 1654
43871 I’m A Classic Man Classic Defeated 0 1654
43419 Choose Your Evil Empire Imperial2 Drawn 24 1678
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Defeated -59 1619
41364 Unless you are, of course, the Mongols MongolianEmpire Defeated -48 1571
42792 Modern Europe Gunboat - stab without fear! A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1571
41933 soviet Imperial2 Defeated -41 1530
42791 Imperialisomoto Imperial2 Drawn 26 1556
40976 Gothic Revival Europa_Renovatio Defeated -48 1508
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Defeated -41 1467
42752 State Your Business Divided_States Defeated -50 1417
43522 Sennacherib Imperial2 Survived -19 1398
42627 Terra Imperium Imperial2 Defeated -33 1365
41954 Europ3-2 Imperial2 Defeated -34 1331
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -30 1301
42463 Lockdown Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated -33 1268
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio Defeated -20 1248
41051 Once you go great you never go good, you never go Europa_Renovatio Defeated -17 1231
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio -69 1162
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1162
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated -32 1130
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Defeated -23 1107
44996 Full-Frontal Scrotal Lobotomy A_Modern_Europe Defeated -16 1091
42227 Sticks and Stones WWIVsealanes Defeated -35 1056
43323 Quarantinovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated -18 1038
43656 (En)Joy Division Europa_Renovatio Defeated -12 1026
44455 Disintegration of the U.S. Divided_States -37 989
47276 North America in 2021 Empire4 -42 947
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes -10 937
47238 Europe en flamme Europa_Renovatio -40 897
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States 0 897
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio -14 883
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio -17 866