Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Özil (782 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
122 Auditore assassins Rinascimento Drawn 0 1000
613 Hundred! Hundred Won 13 1013
676 1v1-8 ClassicGvI Survived -7 1006
522 Classic simple as Classic Survived -32 974
624 Dipomacy forever BuildAnywhere Defeated -28 946
549 Kiekeboe ClassicFog Defeated -6 940
620 Machievelli, such on this Rinascimento Defeated 0 940
767 The Dutch Revolt DutchRevolt Resigned -23 917
1004 1v1-18 ClassicGvR Won 10 927
738 Crowded like goats in a kitchen ClassicCrowded Defeated -31 896
970 Hallo-3 ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 904
972 Battlefront Empire1on1 Drawn 0 904
547 Alacavre Gunboat Alacavre Defeated -25 879
682 Can't You Hear? ClassicFog Survived -27 852
1003 One against one ClassicGvI Won 8 860
973 Battlefront-2 ClassicGvR Won 9 869
618 war in peace SouthAmerica4 Defeated -21 848
1074 Hallo 5 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -6 842
1197 One against one 3-2 ClassicFvA Survived -7 835
1073 Hallo 4 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -7 828
1072 Hallo 3 ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 836
999 Dollars WhoControlsAmerica Defeated -22 814
1024 Vrijheid! Broederschap! oh wacht... da's Frankrijk DutchRevolt Resigned -23 791
1146 Alacavre Alacavre Defeated -21 770
1225 G ClassicFGvsRT Won 10 780
1430 Greek Diplomacy GreekDip Survived 2 782
788 Join, Join, Join! Modern2 Drawn 27 809
2539 Come on (ET) ClassicVS Survived -8 801
1580 Bitchfight-2 SailHo2 Survived -16 785
2421 Western Europe (GEFI) ClassicVS Drawn 28 813
2235 7 Island Gunboat ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 38 851
2520 Do you bite your thumb at me sir?! BuildAnywhere Defeated -28 823
2326 southameric8 SouthAmerica8 Drawn 9 832
2399 7 Island Gunboat-2 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -9 823
2272 America Empire4 Drawn 12 835
1633 The Fall of...America (Not Rome) Empire4 Defeated -31 804
2079 Wallaby on ice MateAgainstMate Drawn 7 811
2383 Name of the Game Modern2 Defeated -21 790
3094 3 ClassicFGA Won 45 835
2783 Diplomacy Crash Course ClassicGreyPress Defeated -25 810
3059 Crowded blind ClassicCrowded Drawn 120 930
1223 A new game! BuildAnywhere Drawn 24 954
1955 Sparta shakes GreekDip Won 132 1086
583 The Emperor of Death II ClassicCrowded Drawn 13 1099
3808 Hurgh ghar auf deutsch ClassicFGvsRT Survived -11 1088
3566 The Greeks GreekDip Survived -22 1066
4096 Godz. Vs Franks Thirteen ClassicFGvsRT Survived -8 1058
4095 Thriller in Manila (Ali-Frazier 3) ClassicVS Survived -7 1051
4571 Semi Live Game ClassicEvT Survived -6 1045
2680 Anyone 4 oil and rice? ClassicEconomic Survived 5 1050
4602 HOTGIRL 99 (EA) ClassicVS Won 4 1054
4068 Dibs Germany! ClassicPilot Drawn 25 1079
4077 War in Europe! Modern2 Defeated -28 1051
4559 The South SouthAmerica4 Defeated -20 1031
4640 build anywhere-3 BuildAnywhere Drawn 6 1037
4573 I don't have enough imagination to find a cool nam Classic1897 Defeated -36 1001
4447 Treacherous lands Classic Defeated -28 973
4555 Viking Gunboat-2 Viking Survived 22 995
4693 Make It So AncMed Survived 4 999
4634 18 hours isn't fast when you have one boat War2020 Survived -11 988
4638 Economic-2 ClassicEconomic Drawn 15 1003
5470 Prison contemplative programs ClassicFvA Won 8 1011
5473 London vs Stambul-4 ClassicEvT Won 7 1018
3325 5 Knilche DutchRevolt Drawn 37 1055
4728 Classic Touchy No Talky ClassicTouchy Survived -35 1020
4137 New map :X)))) KnownWorld_901 Defeated -33 987
4803 Silent Bismarck? Classic1880 Defeated -34 953
5460 (FAGR) ClassicVS Survived -15 938
5236 I Am America (And So Can You) WhoControlsAmerica Defeated -10 928
5399 fast two -3 CustomStart Defeated -24 904
5344 Vikings! Viking Defeated -23 881
4697 Pacific Broadcast Colonial Defeated -28 853
5464 OTT Abstraction Abstraction3 Drawn 15 868
6137 So... are you? ClassicGvI Drawn 0 868
6164 Ozil! ClassicGvI Survived -3 865
6168 Ozil!-2 ClassicGvI Won 12 877
6167 eden Duo Drawn 0 877
4835 RFS Industrial Revolution BuildAnywhere Defeated -24 853
6357 The power of our Diplomacy!-2 ClassicGvI Survived -3 850
6358 eden-2 ClassicGvR Won 13 863
6359 eden-3 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -3 860
6336 #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> ClassicEvT Survived -8 852
6360 WWII Redux ClassicGvR Resigned -2 850
5469 Abstraction 3 Abstraction3 Defeated -24 826
6125 1880 Classic1880 Drawn 31 857
5725 Icelandic Saga Viking Resigned -19 838
5954 U S of A AmericanConflict Defeated -8 830
6501 Iovis Quinquiremis Zeus5 Defeated -26 804
6477 W W I I Europe1939 Resigned -20 784
6320 Classic Diplomacy-3 Classic Defeated -21 763
5389 Hapsberg Has-been ClassicTouchy Resigned -26 737
5502 Known battle KnownWorld_901 Defeated -22 715
6064 A New World-3 WWIV Defeated -18 697
9737 Small ClassicFGA Drawn 16 713
9888 Elbow Room-2 ClassicCrowded Defeated -9 704
9549 Fantasy Islands FantasyWorld Survived 26 730
10513 1939! Europe1939 Drawn 31 761
11426 Two Germans vs the SS TenSixtySix_V2 Drawn 0 761
11425 Tea Times Two ClassicEvT Survived -4 757
10752 ► ♫ ♪ Classic1897 Defeated -14 743
11550 1v1-77 ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 751
10832 The Year Was 1880 Classic1880 Defeated -17 734
9827 Out of the Blue ClassicFog -39 695
10750 Cataclysm Amphibian Arseholes. ClassicCataclysm Survived -11 684
11364 WWIII War2020 Defeated -21 663
10970 African wars Africa Drawn 21 684
11414 Son of Corsica ClassicSevenIslands Won 234 918
13096 On the Eve of Destruction Classic Defeated -19 899
12115 Utter Chaos ClassicChaos Defeated -29 870
12993 worldwide gunboat! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -25 845
11413 Storm Cloud Gathering Europe1939 -31 814
13167 WWII-with global chat WWII -12 802
16475 Celtic Britain-2 CelticBritain -20 782