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Stats for Count Ovdeath (929 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
593 Holy Moly Germany1648 Defeated -31 969
606 mkkjhbgfxtrd MateAgainstMate Defeated -30 939
28902 news Classic1880 Won 105 1044
29772 G vs. I-2 ClassicGvI Won 7 1051
29771 F vs. A-5 ClassicFvA Resigned -4 1047
29520 The Great War of 1901 ClassicMilan -27 1020
29751 foggy XXV ClassicFog -25 995
29788 news: Inauguration style SouthAmerica8 -13 982
29041 modern diplomacy-5 Maharajah -34 948
38238 1913 Classic1913 -19 929