Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Dreadmaker (1490 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
643 European Union Modern2 Survived 84 1084
1038 Showdown? GUNBOAT ClassicIER Won 10 1094
768 Europa Modern2 Defeated -44 1050
318 First Play HAVEN Haven Defeated -34 1016
870 Europa Moderna Modern2 Drawn 78 1094
653 world war IV!!! WWIV Defeated -41 1053
1076 Crowed, but what are these made up nations? ClassicCrowded Defeated -40 1013
1434 The Olympians GreekDip Drawn 27 1040
1036 Imperial Playground Modern2 Defeated -23 1017
1030 Five Ways Modern Dip. Modern2 Drawn 112 1129
2229 Derp ClassicIER Survived -21 1108
2191 Anon Ancient Med AncMed Survived 15 1123
2518 3 power gunboat ClassicIER Survived -22 1101
2086 Just another modern dip Modern2 Drawn 34 1135
1997 Europa Moderna-2 Modern2 Defeated -25 1110
2385 The War of the World WWIV Defeated -40 1070
4009 hsa test 3 ClassicFvA Resigned -5 1065
5774 hsa Ancient AncMed Survived -12 1053
5773 HSA VIKINGS Viking Survived -25 1028
10090 HSA diplo Classic Drawn 24 1052
10542 Sea Time Europe1939 Won 98 1150
10106 Modern Diplo Modern2 Defeated -36 1114
11199 I bless the rains Africa Survived 54 1168
11315 Civil War: HSA Mini Edition Empire1on1 Won 6 1174
11338 I'll Even Let You Be Russia ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1180
11249 HSA Viking Viking Won 44 1224
11314 Greek economics GreekDip Won 53 1277
11466 Celtic Chaos CelticBritain Survived -21 1256
10257 Diplomacy II Modern2 Drawn 134 1390
11209 Africa!-2 Africa Won 60 1450
12010 Ages of Pericles HSA AgeOfPericles Won 46 1496
12008 HSA lakes GreatLakes Won 72 1568
12013 Be A Man Duo Won 4 1572
11998 2112-Overture WWIV -82 1490