Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Caedus:

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
774 Purely Functional Pure Drawn 44 1044
912 1v1-14 ClassicGvI Survived -6 1038
925 1066 TenSixtySix Drawn 8 1046
898 south america-3 SouthAmerica5 Survived -5 1041
738 Crowded like goats in a kitchen ClassicCrowded Survived 10 1051
941 hope i don't forget to press grey... ClassicGreyPress Drawn 35 1086
893 Spanish Succession DutchRevolt Resigned -30 1056
1305 Barnhart ClassicFvA Won 7 1063
1330 War Between the States Empire1on1 Won 7 1070
1189 Octavian AncMed Won 48 1118
1309 Battle for Europe ClassicFvA Won 7 1125
1308 Sur America SouthAmerica4 Survived 5 1130
1133 Chaos: Team Game ClassicChaos Drawn 37 1167
1331 Seven Nation Army ClassicIER Won 27 1194
1385 #eu Empire1on1 Won 6 1200
885 Don't Quit Rinascimento Defeated 0 1200
1350 The year that changed England TenSixtySix Won 14 1214
791 Blind Dumb Deaf ClassicFog Defeated -35 1179
1312 The Triad TenSixtySix Won 9 1188
1348 Unbalanced gunboat Fubar Survived -31 1157
1364 Pure silence-3 Pure Defeated -43 1114
649 new world order WWIV Drawn 61 1175
1395 FOW Gunboat ClassicFog Defeated -30 1145
1036 Imperial Playground Modern2 Defeated -26 1119
1525 Battle of SA SouthAmerica4 Defeated -25 1094
1430 Greek Diplomacy GreekDip Defeated -27 1067
1538 Simon Bolivar SouthAmerica8 Drawn 26 1093
1297 G'Day MateAgainstMate Drawn 46 1139
788 Join, Join, Join! Modern2 Drawn 17 1156
1321 World Diplomacy: Team Game World Defeated -42 1114
1094 Please join! Modern2 Defeated -43 1071
795 35 needed 4 gunboat WWIV Defeated -46 1025
5173 SoAm GB SouthAmerica5 Survived -3 1022
5356 Fast Game! ClassicEvT Resigned -2 1020
5344 Vikings! Viking Survived -19 1001
5068 American Fracture Empire4 Drawn 31 1032
5319 Eighteen-Seventy Colonial Defeated -20 1012
6244 why not? TreatyOfVerdun Won 19 1031
6350 Newgame2 TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1031
6190 Soap's Worst Nightmare, Shepherd Returns Colonial Drawn 0 1031
6339 War of the American Succession AmericanConflict Drawn 0 1031
5540 Join if you hate full-press :D Abstraction3 Won 75 1106
6714 Youngstown back in action! YoungstownRedux Survived 0 1106
6042 Il Duce di Domodossola Redux Rinascimento Drawn 0 1106
6565 Conquest of the Æsir Viking Drawn 18 1124
6704 GAME TO ENJOY DIPLOMACY TO THE CORE !! Pure Defeated -32 1092
5183 Greek dip GreekDip Survived 41 1133
5166 Frequenting Cordons of Power BalkanWarsVI Survived -13 1120
6998 Touchy Gunboat-3 ClassicTouchy Drawn 44 1164
6791 Ai! Sengoku5 Drawn 23 1187
7159 Fog of Peace ClassicFog Survived -34 1153
7552 1v1 semi live France Austria-11 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 1150
7551 1v1 semi live England Turkey-4 ClassicEvT Defeated -4 1146
5120 Biggest Pot... Ever! WWIV Drawn 44 1190
6835 Must have a winner, no draws!!! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1190
7587 Silent Sevens ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -34 1156
8079 Another Classic Classic Resigned -34 1122
5985 Little Pigs Empire4 -28 1094
6700 Youngstown YoungstownRedux Defeated -32 1062
6064 A New World-3 WWIV Resigned -30 1032
6734 The Game-2 Abstraction3 Defeated -31 1001
5555 Cruel World WWIV -19 982
6283 World WWIV Defeated -30 952