Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Papilio Tempestae (1929 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
28643 Testrun ClassicEvT Survived -9 991
28647 Testrun! ClassicGvI Defeated -5 986
28700 Testrun!-2 ClassicFvA Defeated -8 978
28668 foggy XV ClassicFog Defeated -18 960
29027 T-Day Classic Classic Defeated -26 934
29048 Classic +7 ClassicSevenIslands Survived -36 898
28623 Vikings!-2 Classic Defeated -29 869
29288 Jokers SouthAmerica4 Won 0 869
28922 Watamu ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -26 843
29444 Mano e Mano e Mano e Pancho SouthAmerica4 Survived -17 826
29424 warsaw, city at war! ClassicFog Won 0 826
29321 foggy XXII ClassicFog Defeated -6 820
29320 Its like seven eleven from heaven ClassicSevenIslands Won 121 941
29654 Deus Vult and Friends FirstCrusade Won 221 1162
29679 Vikings!!-2 Viking Survived -15 1147
29317 Classic+7 II ClassicSevenIslands Survived -31 1116
29393 Mama Harajah Maharajah Survived -9 1107
29691 America has fallen! Who will emerge victorious? Empire4 Won 172 1279
29587 1600Alliancsencouraged Europe1600 Defeated -36 1243
29218 foggy XXI ClassicFog Drawn 50 1293
30314 I bless the rains down in Africa-2 Africa Defeated -30 1263
30544 Pinochet's Cadillac SouthAmerica5 Drawn 14 1277
30250 Fall of the American Empire II Empire4 Drawn 38 1315
30911 Puny ants at war Zeus5 Survived -40 1275
30342 Fall of The American Empire III Empire4 Survived 67 1342
31131 Who wants a good game? WWII Defeated -35 1307
31299 Othinus vult Viking Drawn 2 1309
31329 Deus Vult-2 FirstCrusade Won 102 1411
30278 "Et tu Brute?" WWIV_V6 Drawn 102 1513
31435 War is never fair Colonial1885 Survived 14 1527
31483 foggy XXXXII ClassicFog Survived -28 1499
31274 Less chat, more splat Colonial1885 Drawn 22 1521
31209 Battle for Michigan's Borders--Second Fresh Attemp GreatLakes Drawn 63 1584
31521 War ... war is never fair II Colonial1885 Survived -46 1538
30508 WWIV Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated -45 1493
31381 Colonial! Imperial2 -9 1484
52897 1066 Diplomacy-2 TenSixtySix_V3 Won -3 1481
52891 Balkans 1860 Gunboat-2 Balkans1860 Drawn 21 1502
52916 Colonial Chaos Colonial1885 Won 423 1925
52929 CD again Colonial Defeated -26 1899
53100 Modern Gunboat-8 Modern2 Drawn 41 1940
52977 1885 Gunboat-11 Colonial1885 Survived -46 1894
52886 colonial-gunboat Colonial1885 Survived -36 1858
52919 Pasta Time Rinascimento Defeated 0 1858
52984 Colonial Gunboat!-4 Colonial1885 Drawn 8 1866
53031 1885 Gunboat - stab while you can! Colonial1885 Survived -37 1829
53237 Sizzurp Viking Survived -4 1825
52910 The world was more fun without America Colonial1885 Drawn 45 1870
53121 Colonial Chaos III Colonial1885 Defeated -36 1834
53125 Everybody wants it but won't collaborate! AmericanConflict Drawn 4 1838
53140 Colonial Chaos IIII Colonial1885 Defeated -40 1798
53088 Colonial Chaos II Colonial1885 Survived -1 1797
53194 Colonial Chaos IIIII Colonial1885 Drawn 80 1877
52614 el miau A_Modern_Europe Drawn 35 1912
53752 98FOW-GB-WTA #02 Classic1898Fog Drawn 14 1926
53971 98FOW-GB-PPSC #03 Classic1898Fog Defeated -37 1889
54018 98FOW-GB-WTA #06: Moscow! Classic1898Fog Survived -24 1865
53560 1885 Gunboat-12 Colonial1885 Defeated -41 1824
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Defeated -37 1787
54340 Mongols MongolianEmpire -88 1699
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes -40 1659
58045 Gunboat 555: Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Won 270 1929