Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for TBroadley (1202 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
755 One Hundred! Hundred Survived -5 995
792 One Hundred! - 2 Hundred Drawn 8 1003
723 First Ever Octopus! ClassicOctopus Drawn 82 1085
774 Purely Functional Pure Defeated -36 1049
731 Now you see me ClassicFog Survived -12 1037
738 Crowded like goats in a kitchen ClassicCrowded Survived -13 1024
931 Shin: Furniture Detection Device TenSixtySix Won 17 1041
848 Chaoctopi: Spammers wanted. ClassicChaoctopi Drawn 46 1087
997 Who Controls America WhoControlsAmerica Drawn 4 1091
641 AE 1 Empire4 Drawn 53 1144
1148 7 Islands Sorrow ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 4 1148
999 Dollars WhoControlsAmerica Defeated -34 1114
1133 Chaos: Team Game ClassicChaos Drawn 38 1152
791 Blind Dumb Deaf ClassicFog Defeated -33 1119
1146 Alacavre Alacavre Drawn 35 1154
1376 Europe in Drought ClassicNoNeutrals Won 83 1237
1160 Borgia Bluff Rinascimento Drawn 0 1237
1084 Chaos 3, The Revenge of Everyone ClassicChaos Defeated -45 1192
1854 Feats of Strength ClassicFog Defeated -37 1155
1420 Hmm, Foggy Night Isn't it? ClassicFog Defeated -31 1124
2366 one-to-one-6 ClassicFvA Survived -9 1115
1320 Haven: Team game(Please no Multi's Haven Defeated -45 1070
2467 (Race for the Tape) Redux ClassicVS Drawn 0 1070
2119 WW2 Crowded ClassicCrowded Drawn 52 1122
2469 (Right, Sure We're Friends) ClassicVS Drawn 0 1122
2398 Classic VS Test (FGRA) ClassicVS Defeated -12 1110
2954 I always get "Balkan" and "Baltic" confused... BalkanWarsVI Drawn 26 1136
2983 Who is missing(GTRIFA) ClassicVS Won 66 1202