Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for MarshallDavout (1049 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
783 You must learn the ways of Diplomacy ClassicFvA Survived -7 993
800 Baby Steps ClassicGvI Survived -7 986
801 Baby Steps II ClassicFGvsRT Survived -6 980
785 Peschiera-2 AncMed Resigned -26 954
934 HAILLE'S COMET TenSixtySix Defeated -14 940
764 The Second Five Ways Ammendment Empire4 Defeated -6 934
878 5 Ways 7 Island ClassicSevenIslands Survived -3 931
1047 Can you read my Diplomacy face? Classic1897 Defeated -19 912
780 1871 Rinascimento Defeated 0 912
1171 overture Classic Defeated -23 889
1036 Imperial Playground Modern2 Defeated -19 870
1160 Borgia Bluff Rinascimento Defeated 0 870
1030 Five Ways Modern Dip. Modern2 Defeated -28 842
1561 Days of Old AncMed Resigned -9 833
1626 12:12:12 BuildAnywhere Defeated -25 808
1837 Sparta to the Spartans GreekDip Defeated -23 785
795 35 needed 4 gunboat WWIV Defeated -7 778
4015 Robots from Mars Classic Defeated -17 761
5346 Ori Is A Bender (1901) Classic Drawn 0 761
5383 That Is Really Nice Wine... Classic Won 117 878
3939 World War WWIV Defeated -30 848
5737 Coopolican't TreatyOfVerdun Won 14 862
5821 Premature Ejaculation III TreatyOfVerdun Resigned 0 862
5870 That Is A Really Nice Park! TreatyOfVerdun Survived -14 848
5503 To be, or not to be? Abstraction3 Defeated -19 829
5828 This! Is! Spart-a-really-nice-wine!! GreekDip Won 84 913
5387 Ori Is Still A Bender Classic Survived 75 988
5662 Jurassic Park! Abstraction3 Survived -2 986
5150 Diplomabley 2 Karibik Drawn 108 1094
6101 Costa Concordia... Mediterranean Cruise AncMed Survived 16 1110
5939 Look At My Huge Amphorae! Mk. II GreekDip Drawn 24 1134
6201 Rape and Pillage... Classic Intercourse! Viking Won 44 1178
6411 FIVE WAYS Abstraction3 Defeated -43 1135
6407 Safe Sex Disco Classic Defeated -38 1097
6779 Team battle World Defeated -48 1049