Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for The Bestest HQDominator (820 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
29679 Vikings!!-2 Viking Survived -2 998
29736 For DIVJOT Classic Survived -36 962
30226 Free Candy If You Join BuildAnywhere Survived -20 942
30300 Vanalles ClassicIER 0 942
29712 victōriae aut honōrī aut voluptātī? Modern2 Defeated -29 913
30327 For Paul GreekDip Won 158 1071
30548 Classic 1v1-2 ClassicGvI Won 5 1076
30371 Trick Move JP AncMed Survived -22 1054
30043 A Brave New World Classic -13 1041
30269 Choose it good luck!!!! ClassicFog -26 1015
30693 MerNorBrisWalEAngexit is cooler than Brexit AnarchyInTheUK -24 991
30768 dkk prdll ClassicIER Drawn 6 997
30560 beat YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 997
30374 Practice, practice, practice! Imperial2 Defeated 0 997
34633 levis nobis delendus est-2 Classic Survived -36 961
35472 Guadal KnownWorld_901 -36 925
39113 The ReInvasion of the HQDominators Modern2 -13 912
53590 1v1 - American Secession War-34 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 910
53728 Hundred Years War (EF) ClassicVS Survived -2 908
53541 LUCKY SEVENS GUNBOAT EX Classic -13 895
53540 Gunboat 20h: Indians GreatLakes -17 878
53676 Spoon man ClassicFog Survived 0 878
53819 America-29 Empire4 -33 845
53824 celtic britain -2 CelticBritain -25 820
53649 Helikopter Classic 0 820
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Defeated 0 820