Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Wartek (1130 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
765 The Five Ways Third Amendment Modern2 Drawn 19 1019
764 The Second Five Ways Ammendment Empire4 Defeated -30 989
768 Europa Modern2 Defeated -33 956
1047 Can you read my Diplomacy face? Classic1897 Defeated -19 937
876 The Year 1897 Classic1897 Survived 2 939
892 Imperialism Colonial Survived -30 909
885 Don't Quit Rinascimento Drawn 0 909
1059 Kaboom Modern2 Survived -12 897
846 Chaoctopi: full press. ClassicChaoctopi Defeated -28 869
1320 Haven: Team game(Please no Multi's Haven Drawn 78 947
1022 The Amber Spyglass Haven Drawn 160 1107
1321 World Diplomacy: Team Game World Defeated -40 1067
1310 Only Talk in Period Costume Rinascimento Defeated 0 1067
1412 BSI-1 Empire4 Drawn 63 1130