Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for TCB (1907 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
1076 Crowed, but what are these made up nations? ClassicCrowded Drawn 38 1038
1285 DipSoc Game Classic Survived -32 1006
1022 The Amber Spyglass Haven Drawn 150 1156
4521 viking chose country Viking Survived -25 1131
4316 Fix the Economy-2 ClassicEconomic Drawn 21 1152
4935 Fog of War-2 ClassicFog Defeated -32 1120
5461 Abstraction III first game Abstraction3 Drawn 63 1183
4966 Haven-2 Haven Defeated -41 1142
4761 Conquer Afro-Eurasia! KnownWorld_901 Survived 7 1149
14192 WW2 :D WWII -8 1141
14273 WW II WWII -10 1131
21873 Blood in the Badlands II FirstCrusade Drawn 5 1136
21399 DIpsoc Game-2 ClassicFog Defeated 0 1136
21157 The Ultimate War of the Chia GobbleEarth Survived -37 1099
21495 Chaos Chaos Chaos! ClassicChaos Drawn 0 1099
22040 Archangel WWII Drawn 36 1135
22170 Screw Over Angus ClassicFog Defeated -38 1097
22438 World is not enough Imperial2 Survived -2 1095
21658 First Crusade Part II FirstCrusade Defeated -33 1062
23292 Celtic Britain-3 CelticBritain Survived 1 1063
24509 1897 Swag Classic1897 Defeated -5 1058
24601 Complexity Classic Defeated 0 1058
24914 Rage of Pericles AgeOfPericles Defeated -24 1034
24382 Frustum WWII Defeated 0 1034
25078 Complexity II Modern2 Drawn 0 1034
26441 Hot Carpet YoungstownRedux Defeated -34 1000
27029 Parramatta Eels MateAgainstMate Drawn 19 1019
26356 NMS fantasy Haven Defeated -24 995
26771 Conquest of the Eastern Hemisphere KnownWorld_901 Defeated -2 993
24701 GobbleEarth GobbleEarth Survived -3 990
27234 'Turkey joke here' FirstCrusade Drawn 63 1053
27671 Win this! Classic Survived 25 1078
25038 Eternal Damnation Haven Defeated -22 1056
27933 A Clash of Empires Colonial Defeated -30 1026
26939 Can we do this? WWIV Defeated -30 996
27113 Can we do this 2? WWIV_V6 Drawn 0 996
27922 Megalomaniacs-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -23 973
28019 Yeahhhhh... GL WWIV_V6 Defeated -22 951
31572 Ground control to Major Tom Mars Drawn 41 992
32175 Varhund Viking Survived -7 985
32421 Mini-Complexity Game SouthAmerica4 Won 70 1055
32240 Mediterranean Game AncMed Drawn 17 1072
32300 Balkans 186o Balkans1860 Survived -36 1036
33019 Kamikaze Coastlines Sengoku6 Drawn 19 1055
32743 Complexity++ Sengoku5 Defeated -38 1017
32599 Little Man Syndrome Napoleonic Defeated -17 1000
32721 known world 901-4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -20 980
33567 MukcliLab2 Classic Drawn 14 994
33857 Modern Diplomacy G1 Modern2 Survived 133 1127
33649 Emperor of the Western World WesternWorld_901 Drawn 66 1193
33619 It's all greek to me-2 GreekDip Drawn 40 1233
33646 Haven Time Haven Drawn 123 1356
35566 1900-Game Baron1900 Survived -47 1309
35628 vikings vs celtics round 2 DarkAges Defeated -48 1261
35733 Country-spirit! Baron1900 Drawn 21 1282
35587 Choose it good luck 1 ClassicFog Won 66 1348
35939 Let slip the fog of war ClassicFog Survived -39 1309
35868 German Younification Imperial2 Defeated -24 1285
35962 Known World Order KnownWorld_901 Defeated -29 1256
36658 Colonial1885-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 35 1291
36387 Gobble-Earth-3 GobbleEarth Won 141 1432
36688 Let’s do this KnownWorld_901 Defeated -44 1388
38477 Carthago delenda est-4 PunicWars Survived -33 1355
38559 EdwardVII Edwardian3 Survived -33 1322
38598 Calica CelticBritain Defeated -31 1291
38766 Italy and France now Hate Each other Baron1900 Drawn 12 1303
38882 Europian Conquest II AberrationV Won 288 1591
38795 1444 All DLC Europa_Renovatio Drawn 79 1670
39457 Malcka KnownWorld_901 Defeated -51 1619
39237 Queen's wrath MateAgainstMate Drawn 31 1650
40656 Real life 2 WWII Drawn 0 1650
40649 Not this daisho II Sengoku5 Survived -46 1604
40000 Colonies in 1885 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1604
38799 Unholy Roman Empire Europa_Renovatio Drawn 37 1641
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio Defeated -48 1593
40617 European Disunion-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -41 1552
41353 Make war, not love. MongolianEmpire Defeated -33 1519
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1519
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1519
40976 Gothic Revival Europa_Renovatio Defeated -46 1473
45366 Clan war diplomacy Scottish_Clan_Wars Drawn 22 1495
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Drawn 310 1805
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio Drawn 49 1854
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Drawn 30 1884
46204 Don't join if you think that PPSC is OK Rinascimento Drawn 0 1884
46420 Viking diplomacy game Viking Survived 0 1884
47031 Euro 1939 Europe1939 Drawn 11 1895
47417 Fall of America Gunboat 2021 Empire4 Defeated -51 1844
48150 The most interesting game Baron1900 Drawn 17 1861
48744 Gunboat Colonial-3 Colonial1885 Defeated -54 1807
47248 World War Joy 2 WorldAtWar1937 Survived 47 1854
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio Defeated -47 1807
48916 Impish Grin Imperial2 Drawn 58 1865
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven Drawn 45 1910
48915 Canton A Hont Tin Roof Canton Defeated -41 1869
50112 Yo, Hadrian! CelticBritain Defeated -56 1813
49886 Let’s do this-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 20 1833
50189 Iron Century KnownWorld_901 Defeated -49 1784
50593 For the Empire!-2 Imperial2 Drawn 27 1811
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Drawn 45 1856
49717 Yellowstone Honey Europa_Renovatio Defeated -36 1820
52487 Terraformed Mars Mars Survived -25 1795
52244 R m8ies Pirates Survived 26 1821
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -36 1785
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio Defeated -40 1745
53113 "I want that land' they all said at the same tim Europe1600 Defeated -66 1679
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -45 1634
52968 The Pragmatic Sanction AustrianSuccession Defeated -28 1606
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Drawn 171 1777
52719 How much of the world can you know? KnownWorld_901 Defeated -32 1745
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -47 1698
54364 Africa now Africa Survived -18 1680
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Defeated -31 1649
54696 Seven Kings, Two Caesars, and a Doge Enlightenment Drawn 22 1671
54644 Gunboat - USA USofA Survived -7 1664
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes Defeated -9 1655
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated -32 1623
55395 Youngstown Gunboat -13 YoungstownRedux Defeated -65 1558
55850 Viking Gunboat-8 Viking Survived -5 1553
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 428 1981
56071 Never Mind the Bollocks-2 AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 5 1986
55927 Flash Gunboat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 6 1992
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -28 1964
55944 A modern Europe gunboat 4 - join! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -57 1907