Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for AllHailtheOneTrueGodCthulthlu (822 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
32161 AP euro Europe1600 -7 993
32678 PEepeeMcpooopoo Empire1on1 Won 8 1001
32682 FUCKTAYLORBROOKS ColdWar Won 8 1009
32323 AP Euro part deux Europe1600 Defeated -28 981
32431 20th Century Classic Defeated -13 968
32321 No chat just fun 3 - New map Balkans1860 Defeated -10 958
32290 NEW BALKANS 1860 Balkans1860 Defeated -4 954
32723 McIntosh diplomacy WWII Defeated -26 928
32673 No More Heroes AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -20 908
32606 AP EURO Part Tres Napoleonic Defeated -18 890
32969 Crimea is Ukraine Europe1600 Drawn 56 946
32533 GunboatBritain HeptarchyIV Defeated -38 908
33041 Ap macro Sengoku6 Defeated -24 884
33208 Taylor v John Empire1on1 Won 10 894
32980 Free my mans Catalonia Modern2 Defeated -26 868
33046 Public WWIV WWIV -46 822