Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for SmuggleBunny (1803 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
33505 TastyFranz ClassicFvA Defeated -8 992
34101 SausageRave TreatyOfVerdun Survived -17 975
34125 BloodPudding TenSixtySix_V3 Won 34 1009
34166 MeatPool ClassicFGA Won 32 1041
34152 foggy 70 WTA ClassicFog Survived -15 1026
34333 Canton Wanton Canton Defeated -34 992
34955 Spicy Gunboat SpiceIslands Won 242 1234
34629 King George’s War Redux AustrianSuccession Defeated -25 1209
34861 The Great French War EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -38 1171
35201 Go West! ManifestDestiny Drawn 13 1184
34876 Strongest army in Europe vs A season EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -22 1162
35018 back to 1600 - Gunboat Europe1600 Defeated -24 1138
35199 celtics vs vikings round 2 DarkAges Drawn 43 1181
35142 Delightment and Procession Enlightenment Defeated -45 1136
35040 1201 Crusades1201 Survived -33 1103
35465 The Lunatic Eunuch’s Punic Tunic PunicWars Survived -11 1092
34598 Helter Skelter-2 CelticBritain Defeated -39 1053
35340 A Dance of Empires Canton Survived -17 1036
35374 E + C Gunboat-2 EmpiresCoalitions Survived -27 1009
34885 Talleyrand's Ghost EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 39 1048
35507 Hellawars EmpiresCoalitions Survived -28 1020
35960 Want a 3 player game? Hundred Survived -8 1012
35030 Crusades 1201! Crusades1201 Drawn 52 1064
35734 Row, Row, Merrily AncMed Drawn 19 1083
35576 Imperial Dip 2 Imperial2 Drawn 46 1129
36050 Hep Bros HeptarchyIV Defeated -32 1097
37063 Something Different -2 Habelya Drawn 78 1175
37714 Feuer frei-4 Imperium Won 142 1317
37068 A dog, a plan, a canal, pagoda! Sengoku5 Defeated -42 1275
37787 Anyone Want Algonquin? GreatLakes Drawn 21 1296
54008 spice islandussy SpiceIslands Drawn 23 1319
55154 Cold War Gunboat-5 ColdWarRedux Defeated -10 1309
54330 Wholesome Crusades1201 Drawn 33 1342
58115 South of Sarah ;) SouthSahara Drawn 25 1367
58045 Gunboat 555: Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived -25 1342
58203 m m m mo Colonial1885 Defeated -20 1322
58598 Gunboat-22 Classic Drawn 27 1349
58540 Gumboat Classic Survived -49 1300
58857 A Gunboat Ruler for Asia Canton Drawn 44 1344
58764 1885 Gunboat-19 Colonial1885 Drawn 25 1369
59205 CRUSADEEE FirstCrusade Defeated -26 1343
58524 Asia Gunboat EastIndies Drawn 194 1537
59197 Concentric Alacavre Defeated -38 1499
59174 Where the hell is this? Habelya Drawn 17 1516
59098 Playing through all the variants #13: Africa Africa Defeated -37 1479
58318 Playing through all the variants #10: 1937 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -31 1448
59945 Dutch Masters DutchRevolt Survived -20 1428
59868 Sen-Gunbo-ku Sengoku5 Drawn 22 1450
59705 1885 Gunboat-20 Colonial1885 Drawn 40 1490
60282 Caucasian Gunboat Caucasia Drawn 8 1498
59479 now for real Imperial2 Drawn 60 1558
60270 Playing through all the variants #18: Atlantic Col AtlanticColonies Won 48 1606
60604 Finkelboat-62 NorthSeaWars Defeated -32 1574
60603 Finkelboat-61 NorthSeaWars Won 45 1619
59700 Gobble Earth Gunboat GobbleEarth Survived 63 1682
60607 Finkelboat-65 NorthSeaWars Survived -42 1640
60442 Playing through all the variants: #19: Balkan Wars BalkanWarsVI Survived -57 1583
60605 Finkelboat-63 NorthSeaWars Won 44 1627
60611 Finkelboat-69 NorthSeaWars Survived -40 1587
59842 colonial 1885 4 Colonial1885 Won 316 1903
60168 GunboatYoungstownRedux YoungstownRedux Survived -35 1868
60576 1885 Gunboat-21 Colonial1885 Drawn 5 1873
60674 Misc. Gunboat-3 SouthAmerica8 Survived -40 1833
60932 Ikizukuri Sengoku5 Defeated -27 1806
59834 Colonial 1885 gunboat-14 Colonial1885 Won 221 2027
60688 Maddern Gunmboat V Modern2 Survived 0 2027
60479 Youngstown Redux-4 YoungstownRedux Defeated -63 1964
60621 A gunboat war WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 17 1981
61094 Philippos AncMed Survived -50 1931
61260 Atlantic Gunboat-46 AtlanticColonies Survived -31 1900
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio Defeated -24 1876
61514 843-13 TreatyOfVerdun Won 10 1886
61444 Cold gunboat ColdWarRedux Survived -41 1845
61310 Hey 1600 Gunboat Europe1600 Defeated -42 1803
61350 Caribbean Gunboat -4 Karibik Defeated -40 1763
60763 Balthazar-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 92 1855
61574 Kydonia GreekDip Survived -52 1803