A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
25 Jul 16 UTC
Cheating in gameID 27387
I wish to ask the moderators and anyone else that wishes to take a look at game ID 27387
Russia and Turkey are cheating?
Is that possible that a player support another player to move to his own SC without previous conversations?
Are Russia and Turkey the same player?
0 replies
BosonSuprème (1002 D)
17 Jul 16 UTC
Possibility to modified the time of a tour?
Hello! It is possible to modified the time of a tour? For example remplace 2 days by 1 week after created the game?
Thank you!
2 replies
icevolcano (1391 D)
17 Jul 16 UTC
IDS Draw?
This game is going nowhere after 23 game years. Russia, can you please vote for the DRAW? Thx
4 replies
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
15 Dec 15 UTC
WWII Gunboat Series
See below...
50 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Jul 16 UTC
Murdoch explains Australia
2 replies
LLGeorge (1410 D)
13 Jul 16 UTC
country switch
want to make some vacation. can anyone take my games?
0 replies
Hi, new guy here. Are they Vpoints and what are they for? If they're not Vpoints what are they?
5 replies
Gadewch i ni chwarae gêm Cymreig .
Aut Latin ludum .
28 replies
Anon (?? D)
10 Jun 16 UTC
Anyone interested in taking over for me in a Haven variant

I'm in a pretty good position. Since it's an anonymous game, I don't know if I can say here which country I am.
2 replies
The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
08 Jul 16 UTC
Just tried joining a game to find out a player had blocked me. <shakes head> I kinda expected no one would do that to little Ol' me.

Share your blocked experiences here.
1 reply
Deinodon (1179 D)
01 Jul 16 UTC
Can someone explain the what I am missing about inactivity?
Vision ORCUTT 7x7 2014 ~
Due to inactivity the game was abandoned and removed. Better luck next time!
One player missed the first build phase, it gave us another phase to find a new player. He signed in shortly after and entered his build order. Then the game had us all on Ready or Save status. When the next deadline rolled around, it canceled the game. Is it supposed to work this way?
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Jun 16 UTC
Country switch
Hi all,

because I'm leaving at the start of July and probably won't have many possibilities to connect on vdip, I'm offering a game to anyone I play. This game surely won't end in June, so any interested player is supposed to write me PM, I'll give it to the first one through country switch. It is this game: gameID=25970, I'm England.
2 replies
WyattS14 (1101 D)
27 Jun 16 UTC
Different Diplomacy Sites
I have an account on WebDiplomacy and (of course) VDiplomacy, but I've heard about yet another Diplomacy site when one player commented on how he missed his phase because he "forgot about VDip" because he's been on 'Playdiplomacy' so much. It is In fact a real site, so how many different Diplomacy sites ARE there? And how old/popular are they?
1 reply
Laughterofgods (1000 D)
25 Jun 16 UTC
This is my first time using vDiplomacy so I apologize if this question is answered somewhere else. I am running a workplace game, both players that tried to convoy in 1901 failed (UK and Italy). It shows the X in the middle of the red line showing cut or failed, but no one was there to mess with it. Is there a special way they need to enter convoy orders?
3 replies
DogsRule11 (866 D)
03 May 16 UTC
Please like this post if you like PUPPIES!
8 replies
WyattS14 (1101 D)
19 Jun 16 UTC
back stabbing too soon?
So I've noticed an increasing amount of players become angered at me for backstabbing "way too soon in the game." It's not just the players being stabbed, but also the rest of the members of the game objecting to the stab. Here is a link to one Africa varient map that I stabbed South Africa early on....
12 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
22 Jun 16 UTC
Rule Variant, Supply Lines
I was thinking about the notion that all armies and fleets in the real world have to have some way to resupply. Without changing existing mechanics, would it be possible to introduce a rule that an army in the field has to be able to connect to a supply center in order to be alive.
4 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
17 Jun 16 UTC
WWIV v6.2 UN Rule
Here's the UN Rule for the World War Four variant in a readable format.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Jun 16 UTC
gameID=27204 48 hour phases, WTA, anon Gunboat, Classic Dip, 350 pt buy in...
0 replies
McSwagger (992 D)
13 Jun 16 UTC
live game need players
0 replies
Pontus! (1143 D)
11 Jun 16 UTC
Help, how do you leave a game? Also how do you get another player to take your spot?
I'm playing a game and Britain is unable to keep playing due to exams. He want to leave so someone can take his spot. How does he do that?
2 replies
English Muffins (591 D)
02 Jun 16 UTC
Advertising games and chat forum
This is for advertising and chatting for vdip users.
23 replies
Mr Fukutu (968 D)
06 Jun 16 UTC
W3LL D0N3! Y0U H4<3 W0N 4 FR33 RU5541N BR1D35!
Click to claim:
0 replies
Europe 1939 Game
Join this great game and win some points. Europe map that could be fun.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Jun 16 UTC
New game gameid=27066
KING OF GUNBOAT WTA anon Classic 48 hr phases, 350 pt buy in. NO RIFF RAFF
2 replies
peterlund (1080 D)
04 Jun 16 UTC
Taking over should be free
I just discovered the it costs d-points to take over powers also with lousy positions. This should be free! And what about v-points. Do I loose elo ranking loosing in a game where I took over a bad position?
5 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
08 Mar 16 UTC
Hey vdip! I completed a variant on the lab a while ago called napoleonic. The link is here, it is completely ready to go and I have contacted Oli a while ago about it but I assume he is busy and it hasn't been released. Can anyone help release it? All the files are available on the lab.
27 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
24 Apr 16 UTC
George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Mrs mapleleaf and I are going to see them at Massey Hall in Toronto on Friday, May 6th. That's going to be a LOT of fun.
10 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
31 May 16 UTC
New World game
Join "Not for Newbies" if you are not a newbie. Bet: 200 2-day game phases; PPSC, 90% reliability rating or better, and no animosity. Looking for serious only players. Anybody game?
2 replies
peterlund (1080 D)
29 May 16 UTC
Draw in a WTA game
What does it mean to vote for a "Draw" in a WTA game? Does it in practice mean the same as "Concede" if you are not the biggest power on the board?
Strider (1604 D)
29 May 16 UTC
A draw has equal split for remaining players and all have to vote draw.
Concede is "we all give up! you win" again all players must vote to concede.
Both end the game, with split of points in a draw and all point in Concede.
peterlund (1080 D)
29 May 16 UTC
A game is normally either a draw or a solo. In the solo the winner gets all points already.

So when does the special WTA rule comes into play then?

Does the game need to have other ending criteria, like 12 centers on classic or a preset number of turns?
mouse (1776 D)
29 May 16 UTC
WTA is to differentiate it from PPSC, where the winner *doesn't* get all the points - they're split according to how many supply centres everyone alive owns.
peterlund (1080 D)
29 May 16 UTC
So having 18 centers on Classic with PPSC is not a solo any longer? 18 centers does not give you all points?
Strider (1604 D)
29 May 16 UTC
18 is a solo but in ppsc you don't get all the points. Point per supply center. Thats what you sign up for but you can still win D points if someone else wins.

Your V ooints is anyone's guess. They depend on the caliber of your opponents and which way the wind blows while your tounge sticks out :p
mouse (1776 D)
29 May 16 UTC

If the game is winner take all, a solo gets you all the d points and v points wagered.
If the game is points per supply centre, a solo gets you (and any other survivors) n% of the d points (where n is the percentage of total centres you own), while v points are distributed on a similar basis (namely, you lose points to anyone who did better than you, inversely related to how much better than you they were expected to fare). Naturally, if you win, you get a larger share of the points than anyone who lost but managed to survive.

So, yes, 18 centres on classic under PPSC is still a solo, but no, you don't win the entire pool with that solo.
peterlund (1080 D)
29 May 16 UTC
But then I like the Sum-of-Squares rule better. Correct me if I have misunderstood it. It gives all points to the solo and if there is a draw it divides the pot using the Sum-of-Squares method.
tassa (2177 D)
31 May 16 UTC
Any difference for elo-rating points between surviving and being eliminated? Thats after all the more important ladder
mouse (1776 D)
31 May 16 UTC
tassa: by my understanding (which is really only from looking at the games in my hof backlog; go to your profile and replace 'profile' with 'hof' for ) in WTA games there is no difference between survival and elimination, while in PPSC there is.

peterlund: the options present on this site are WTA (solo wins the whole pot, draws are divided perfectly evenly amongst all survivors) and PPSC (solo and survivors win a proportional portion of the pot, draws again divided equally). If you're looking for another way of splitting draws, I don't believe it's available here.
Purely personally, I very much prefer draws being entirely evenly split rather than (correct me if I'm wrong about 'sum of squares here, this is purely a guess from context) a pseudo-PPSC distribution, as an even split discourages those winning from playing for a draw, while encouraging those not doing so well to team up, regardless of personal gain, to hold against a dominant player.
tassa (2177 D)
31 May 16 UTC
But the elo ranking does not split the usual points. If i lose against a bunch of noobs i take a larger hit than the other way around. And the wta deacription does not really address penalties for draws and survivals in that regard
mouse (1776 D)
31 May 16 UTC
What penalty for a draw in WTA? Pot is split evenly. That's no penalty.
I'd also tend to assume that the name "Winner Take All" should really be self-explanatory enough that, by reading it, you'd pick up that, unless you win, you get nothing. Note that 'nothing' in terms of centre count is exactly equivalent to 'defeated' - 0 centres owned.

I'm also not sure how your follow-up question maps to your initial question. If you survive a PPSC game, you count as 'defeating' anyone with less centres than you (in addition to all the actually defeated players), and being defeated by anyone with more centres than you. Sure, those numbers are going to be modulated slightly by your expected ability to defeat each player, but the trend is still generally positive for a survival, and negative for an elimination.
peterlund (1080 D)
31 May 16 UTC
@mouse: I am also playing many games at and there the Sum-of-Squares rule is available. And I don't really like the old fashion DIAS (draws include all survivors) rule that divides the points evenly equal between all survivors. DIAS forces players to first eliminate minor powers before accepting a draw. The Sum-of-Squares rules make it possible for the major powers to accept the draw earlier. It is a pitty that this option is not available for games also on this site.
Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
31 May 16 UTC
A pitty? Spelling. . .

I think it is good that Sum of Squares is not available here. Draws should always include all survivors in my book.
mouse (1776 D)
01 Jun 16 UTC
re 'forcing' people to eliminate more people before voting a draw: good. Draw should be a last resort, game is in a proper stalemate position, or obviously collapsible to such without someone securing a solo. If you can still kill people, you should still be playing.

If you want minors to still get points, play PPSC.
Join ww2-4!!!!!
DogsRule11 (866 D)
02 Jun 16 UTC
This. Is. Not. The. Advertising. Thread.

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