A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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WWII Tournament
I would like to start a tournament. I've seen the Known World and 1v1 tournaments, and those are great fun. So why not apply it to World War II? I'm still working out the details, but I'll post some details.
356 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
20 Feb 19 UTC
How can I leave a game?
New to vDiplomacy, I’ve just played backstabbr for a long time.
I was figuring out what to do then accidentally took the role of a losing Massachusetts in the fifty states variant....
4 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
20 Feb 19 UTC
Open Game with 3 open spots to join, 16 hours left!
Known World 901 variant called “The Escape”, we need 3 more players to start!
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DemonOverlord (910 D)
05 Jan 19 UTC
Online Diplomacy Championships 2019
Hi everyone. I will be running the Online Diplomacy Championships (ODC) this year on
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BMG (1000 D)
14 Feb 19 UTC
Confused re: order resolution
Can someone please explain why WDC wasn't taken in #36812?
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Aircrosby (830 D)
13 Feb 19 UTC
Hefty Bone
Hey, so some friends and I are attempting to play a game called hefty bone. It is a large game that requires 35 players, however we do not have that amount. We some what understand the rules and would like to inquire if anyone would like to join, or if this is even allowed. The password is bone, join because we enjoy this game.
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Fluminator (1265 D)
08 Feb 19 UTC
Is this site dead?
Is this site still relevant? I'm thinking about getting back into diplomacy, but what's the quality of this site right now?
11 replies
Alcove (1000 D)
31 Jan 19 UTC
Official Start of the Nexus Diplomacy Tournament!
Want to join one of the largest online Diplomacy communities? Want to test your skill against the best online players in the world? Come join us and 350 other players on the Nexus Diplomacy tournament and jump into a game for the beginning of Season II, starting now!
4 replies
ubercacher16 (2114 D)
25 Jan 19 UTC
To stab or not to stab?
What do you think about stabbing?
28 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
22 Jan 19 UTC
Discord Tournament - Season II Sign-ups Open!
Hello vDippers! A second season of the Discord Diplomacy Tournament is upon us. Season I had 92 players who played 44 games, ending with a victory to @iosers's Germany.
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RoxArt (1732 D)
24 Jan 19 UTC
anyone up for a live game?
1 reply
nesthocker97 (969 D)
20 Jan 19 UTC
Why can't I join that game?
I noticed that I can't join some games, although I my stats would allow that.
Those ganes are currently Anon and For the brotherhood.
Why is that
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Anon (?? D)
15 Jan 19 UTC
Issue in Imperium Dip
In Imperium, F Orientes cannot move to Alexandria. This is causing a problem in my game here: gameID=36964. I am playing Hunni.
I requested a phase extend to try to contact the mods, but it seems they are not responding.
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Carlo (1163 D)
19 Jan 19 UTC
Sorry, simpel question about a simple move :-)
Can you move with a fleet from Clyde to Liverpool in the map Europe 1939?
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ubercacher16 (2114 D)
11 Jan 19 UTC
New World Order Game
A dozen more spots needed for NWO game.

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netotz (1268 D)
11 Jan 19 UTC
Make maps
How were the maps from the "Variants" section made? I mean if their authors used some kind of software, like an application to do a customized map, or if the map was programmed right from the start or something.
Where do I get that application? Or what do I need to learn in order to make a custom map? I'm a programmer so I'm acquainted about the languages and that stuff, and I read something about Javascript and SVG/Canvas. Can somebody explain me that?
5 replies
aaronmx2 (1333 D)
10 Jan 19 UTC
Greek Dip Build Problem
Is the 6p Greek map broken?
I have 7 units and 9 SCs, two of which are open for builds, but I'm only getting build options for one of them.

I'm only getting options for one build though. It's like it doesn't recognize Corinth as an open center
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tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
04 Jan 19 UTC
Interactive Map - Update
A large update is live. New features inside:
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jason4747 (1633 D)
03 Jan 19 UTC
Diplomacy World Issue 144 is out for January 2019

Free to you!
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Chumbles (1380 D)
25 Dec 18 UTC
Merry Christmas
Enjoy your Christmas festivities and may all good things be yours, now and in 2019
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kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
10 Dec 18 UTC
Face to Face play in what seems like forever...
So I've finally convinced my gaming group to have a go at Diplomacy, and i have to say I'm looking forward to doing this thing again after what seems like forever. Only problem is they are all newbies to the game. Any advice from folks as to how to introduce Diplomacy to gamers (who haven't played Dip) before?
Mercy (2131 D)
10 Dec 18 UTC
I have organized Diplomacy for new players at my home twice, and it was a success both times.

I would recommend you to not play yourself. Not only is it more fun when all the players are roughly equally experienced, you also will be available for players to ask questions to about how certain moves would be adjudicated. Plus, it is incredibly fun to overhear new players in tense negotiations.

I started off by first explaining the rules of the game to the players in roughly 30 minutes, and then starting the game. I used a timer to keep track of how far we were in each phase, and I gave the players the appropriate amount of time, though the timer was paused during all the adjudications. Every time when time was almost up, I would notify the players who where spread through my house. In my experience, the players will start feeling the time pressure during the second year, because then they will have more units.

Multiple rooms in my house were assigned 'negotiation rooms' where players could negotiate, and all of these rooms had a miniature version of the board printed on paper to help the players. At some point the players started making pictures of the board though, which I can recommend because that indeed helps them.
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
11 Dec 18 UTC
Great suggestions,

Yes I'm going to GameMaster the event, and we've got a spread out location for all those secret conversations :)

I was wondering how long to time a phase for newbies? I was thinking 30 mins for the first year, 25 mins for the second and 20 mins for each year after that. Too fast? Too slow?
I believe Edi Birsan created a single sheet guide to the most common rules and questions. It might be good to hand those out at game time.
Mercy (2131 D)
11 Dec 18 UTC
When I organized it, I gave 15 minutes per phase, except for Spring, 1901, which got 25 minutes. I also gave 5 minutes for build and 1 minute for retreat phases, contrary to what the rulebook recommends. Players did not really feel the time pressure in 1901, but they did in 1902. Some people complained that they had too little time, but others, in particular those with fewer units, did not need more time and I was afraid that they would become bored if I gave more time.
nopunin10did (1041 D)
11 Dec 18 UTC
It might make sense to run 1-2 years as a "Wilson" game, with public press only. That should give you a chance to talk through scenarios and possibilities. Then reset the whole board and give people new positions.
Chumbles (1380 D)
11 Dec 18 UTC
Make arrangements for the guys that get knocked out early; you want them to come back for more as well... and nothing turns a noob off faster than getting ko'd quickly. Worse, they can be disruptive to the continuing game.

I wouldn't run it as a teaching game; it will seem long enough without interpolated commentary on each round. Games I ran had a base 5 mins writing time + 5 mins + 3 mins per player left in. And 40 mins before S 01. S01 = 31 mins; A05 with 4 playing = 22 mins. Retreats and builds 5 mins writing only.
jason4747 (1633 D)
12 Dec 18 UTC
Drinks..... lots of drinks..... wait, you're Australian. That's just part of being alive down under. I listen feverishly to the podcast. Carry on.
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
12 Dec 18 UTC
Of course drinks, that goes without saying ;)

Thanks for the advice on time limits folks.
If it goes without saying, why did you say it? :-D
kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
14 Dec 18 UTC
Funny how language works... It's a saying about nothing needing to be said... ;)
CAPT Brad (962 D)
15 Dec 18 UTC
'nuff said
jason4747 (1633 D)
15 Dec 18 UTC
Now I need a drink
CAPT Brad (962 D)
16 Dec 18 UTC
Pass the bottle and say no more
They key to the math problem is an ever increasing percentage of the rope gets covered so more and more of the increased length is behind the ant. Once he reaches the mid point, more stretch occurs behind him that in front.
I swear I was on the winning thread when I posted.
CAPT Brad (962 D)
16 Dec 18 UTC
Thats why you were banned from the physics blog

16 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
14 Dec 18 UTC
Congratulations to CaptainMeme & Amby!
Just wanted to let you know that the 2018 Tournament Through Time, hosted on the PlayDiplomacy forums, has ended. Amby and CaptainMeme were both a part of the Baratheon Dynasty, a team that won 3rd place.
2 replies
mrcharles (1206 D)
14 Dec 18 UTC
Drawing with Civil Disorders
Can the remaining players vote to Draw between themselves or would the players in Civil Disorder be included in the draw?
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
06 Dec 18 UTC
Better country randomization
We need a better country randomization script than just assigning people countries by the order they join. I've started 2 variants of Classic (FoW and Octopus) and I've gotten England both times.
17 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
29 Nov 18 UTC
Well, here I am.
It's been a long break, and I feel it's time to return, now that the frenzy that made vDiplomacy terrible (I'm sure you remember it) has ended.
Here we go, as I try to regain those vPoints...
13 replies
bamzolino (967 D)
06 Dec 18 UTC
Adjucation bug. Can it be fixed?
This move seems to be adjucated wrong. Support shouldn’t be cut from where it is going into if I understand the rules correctly. Armenia supported move from Rumani to Sevastopol, but it was cut even though Sevastopol is the target.
I don’t know how to post pictures, but the link should allow others to see the game. I would like to know if this can be fixed as it wildly changes the game.
2 replies
ingebot (1950 D)
04 Oct 18 UTC
Workaround to "forced" ready
In rulebook press, part of the idea is that for retreat and builds it forces you to ready up. However, simply by then pressing "not ready", the order changes to "saved". Is it possible to promote the original idea of this press type by making the state of "not ready" equal to "no orders received"?
37 replies
OrdinalSean (998 D)
01 Dec 18 UTC
CountrySwitch gameID=36173 Song-Empire
Diplo is beginning to depress me. As such I'm open to anyone taking over from me. I'm Song-Empire, 23 SCs, currently fourth place. I'll PM details to anyone who replies saying they want to join.
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David E. Cohen (1000 D)
11 Nov 18 UTC
100 years today.
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Pudge (918 D)
26 Nov 18 UTC
I would like to have groups of friends to play games more often here, I hope that if someone wants to participate more actively tell me
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