Finished: 08 PM Wed 31 Jul 13 UTC
Private Democratic Diplomacy - or is it really so ... ?
10 days /phase
Pot: 10 D - Spring, 5, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
This is a moderated game. Gamedirector: Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B)).

Game drawn

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01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Captainmeme (Moderator): (Captainmeme): Hi all, and welcome to the Voting SRG!
The rules are relatively simple:
Each Diplomacy turn (not builds or retreats), you PM me your own orders. In addition, you also PM me three orders for other people's units - these are 'votes' on what you want other people's units to do.

When I have received all PMs, the order with the most votes for each unit is what that unit has to do. If there is a draw it reverts to the original country's order.

I will then PM you all back with the orders you need to enter. As soon as you enter them, please ready up so that the game can process.

What people voted for is not announced, so you can claim you voted for something other than you did - in fact, that's a big part of this SRG!

I'm going to increase the phase length to 4 days, because of the time it will take to PM, but the deadline for voting orders will always be two days into the phase. Here's my userpage so that you can send me PMs - Also, if you have any questions feel free to ask via PM or on Global here.

Good luck!
01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: (Chaqa): So only votes for 3 units? Not all units? Correct?
01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Captainmeme (Moderator): (Captainmeme): There wasn't a mention of how many orders you can vote for on the forum, but it was definately supposed to be restricted. I put down three because that means I don't have to do so much work as GM :) Still, if you all want to be able to vote for more, I'm fine with changing the rules to allow that.
01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Captainmeme (Moderator): (Captainmeme): In fact, I could probably deal with you voting on all orders, if you want to do so. It's up to you five though.
01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: (Chaqa): I was just wondering. I'm fine either way. I think maybe 3 is too few.
01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: (hiporox): I think that we should be able to vote on three of each player's units, so a total of 12 units
01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Captainmeme (Moderator): (Captainmeme): That sounds good to me. I've just realised I was thinking that there would be 15 units - true at the start of the game of course but eventually that's going to rise to 34. Three is probably too few.
Is everyone else okay with Hiporox's suggestion?
01 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: (Lord Skyblade): Maybe it could change depending on the number of units in the game, so at the start you could have three votes and then it could scale up, maybe everyone gets one vote for every five extra SC's owned by someone? Something like that. I am also okay with Hiporox's suggestion though.
02 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: For moves we will need to pick, cast your votes on the method
02 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Yep, 3 for each player sounds fair.
02 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Captainmeme (Moderator): Since the game has started, I think a rule needs to be decided upon quickly so I'll go for Hiporox's, since it has 3 votes in favour. You can vote on 3 moves for each player.

The deadline for PMing votes to me (and don't forget to include your own orders too) is Thursday 10AM GMT. If I get all the votes before that we can process the phase earlier, so don't feel like you have to wait until Thursday to PM me your orders.
02 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Plus we are not supposed to click ready before you sort out the votes right?
02 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Captainmeme (Moderator): Correct - otherwise it could progress before I've sorted out the orders, which wouldn't be good...
02 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: This is a pretty awesome idea now that I've gotten the hang of it.
03 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Captainmeme (Moderator): Apologies all, but I'm on holiday and just realised I forgot to bring the iPod charger... Which means that I probably won't be able to process votes until tomorrow evening. I hope you are okay with this...
03 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Works for me as long as we will have time to put in the orders
04 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Just a thought that you should post the results in main chat so no one can flim flam.
05 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: It would also help us prepare for the next moves earlier as we could see everyone else's moves earlier, however it would eventually get really messy
05 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Yes maybe
05 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: It would never get too messy, we can only order about three units a turn, so we could just post the changed unit moves.
