Finished: 04 PM Mon 13 May 13 UTC
Anc med-4
1 day /phase
Pot: 50 D - Spring, 9, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game drawn

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12 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1: Info: This is a choose your country game.
25 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 5: Greetings all, I won't be around for the next 3 days (will b in the wilderness and no wifi for sure). Can I get an extend?
25 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 5: GameMaster: Greece voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Spring, 6" the votes will be cleared.
25 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 5: I'll give you the extend, but your gig is up! I now know who you are :p
25 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 5: True that.
25 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 5: You shouldn't have used copy/paste :-).
25 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 5: GameMaster: Per 2/3 majority vote the gamephase got extended by 4 days.
(Voters: Egypt / Rome / Greece / Persia)
25 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 5: could you get rid of your ready vote greece? that way the rest of us will be able to ready in the meantime
09 May 13 UTC Spring, 8: GameMaster: Carthage voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
11 May 13 UTC Autumn, 8: I am willing to accept everyone's complete and unconditional surrender and call this game a draw.
11 May 13 UTC Autumn, 8: haha good one
13 May 13 UTC Autumn, 8: GameMaster: Greece voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.