Finished: 02 AM Tue 23 Apr 13 UTC
Private Germany?
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1905, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by jeremyk2142 (1541 D)

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21 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1901: Kk hello
21 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1901: So what would be the first thing to do?
21 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1901: So first turn on a map like this (with tons of space in between out forces) is to get as many supply centers (territories with dots) as possible. Owning those gets you more units. You have three SCs and three units for now. The turns go: Spring, Spr Retreats, Fall, Fall Retreats, Builds. If you own a supply center at the end of the year (end of the fall retreats phase), you get to build more units at your home centers. Holding a center in the spring means nothing if you lose it in the fall.
21 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1901: So: for this turn, you want to grab as many centers as you can (3). Worry about strategy and how you'll attack a bit later. This is one of the few maps where you can basically dgaf about the first turn.
21 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1901: So what I'd probably do is:
Smyrna to Armenia to Sevastopol,
Constantinople to Bulgaria to Rumania or Serbia
Ankara to Con to Bulgaria.

That gives you units in good positions. Like if you took Sevastopol with Ankara, it'd be useless because it would have to leave the Black Sea and get to the Mediterranean in order to do anything else. This gets rid of that.
21 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1901: Looks like we had the exact same plan.
21 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1901: Do I hold the territories or do I move this turn?
21 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1901: Close. You see the (nc) and (sc) on Bulgaria and Spain? Those are coasts, and they only apply to fleets. Fleets move to either the north or south coast there, to help the movement make sense. If a ship comes to Bulgaria from the Black Sea, it wouldn't make sense if it made it to Greece the next turn. So you'll be in the north coast, which is possibly a bit worse of position, in the long term.
21 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1901: I'd move. The reason is you want to get far north to claim as much as you can. Then the ones close to you are always available/easy to grab.
21 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1901: Like: don't settle for taking Bulgaria when you can take something further away.

I'm moving Norway to Sweden this turn for the same reason.
22 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1902: Just to say: moving to Bulgaria, even with less ideal position, is better than not taking anything at all. Right now you have that fleet in Con. If you moved to Bulganria you could've built a fleet there, and be where you are now, just with an additional unit.

You may have already known this, I just wanted to point it out.
22 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1902: Nah, I legit didn't even think of that, I was so focused on getting my ship out of the Black Sea. I'm re-thinking my position. Thanks for the help.
22 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1903: Also, if you click on the name of the map, you can see the victory conditions. For this it's 18 of the 34 centers. So first to 18. On more than two person maps, you may end up drawing at times.
22 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1903: Is it one unit per territory? Kind of like one unit per tile in Civ?
22 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 1903: Yeah exactly.
22 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 1905: At this point, if I get one more SC, I'll win. I'll do my orders in the morning, I'm a bit tired now. Good game so far, it seems like you get the moves and everything perfectly.
22 Apr 13 UTC Ah, so I think you failed some convoys there. Apologies if you didn't know this already, but you have to order the armies to move there AND you have to order the required fleets to convoy them. So to get Constantinople to Apulia you'd have to have:
CON-->APU (via convoy)
Aegean convoy an army to Apulia from Con
Ionian convoy an army to Apulia from Con.

Then you'll have those blue lines like my convoys do.
22 Apr 13 UTC Oh jk, it looks like you did it right over the Black Sea. Nice. So what happened in the Mediterranean there?
23 Apr 13 UTC I have no idea.
23 Apr 13 UTC Like you said, game was yours anyways.