Finished: 01 PM Tue 11 Jun 13 UTC
19th century fox gunboat
1 day /phase
Pot: 70 D - Spring, 1907, Finished
Classic - 1897, No messaging, Anon, WTA
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Jimbozig (1179 D)

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31 May 13 UTC Autumn, 1902: GameMaster: England voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
11 Jun 13 UTC Autumn, 1906: GameMaster: Russia voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes Concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Conceede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
11 Jun 13 UTC Good game everyone
11 Jun 13 UTC I hate to end my WTA games with a survived status, hence, once I realized that the situation was unrecoverable, I conceded that to you Jimbozig.
11 Jun 13 UTC You moved far too late, you should have let up on Italy long before you did - I am not sure you even did.
11 Jun 13 UTC Following you comments on threadID=43542

Well, yes, I do believe that Italy cost me this game.

I couldn’t let up on Italy before that I did, because "before" we weren’t even neighbours.

I never moved a finger over Italy.

I put my draw vote after 1904 together with Italy and a hopeless England (having a draw vote in means something, no?).

I left SCs open in the Balkans while Italy remained still.

I repeatedly invited Italian armies to move towards the major stalemate line while Italy never tried to “communicate” with anyone during the entire game.

A Russian attack on Italy after 1904 should’ve been plain stupid but Italy expected me to attack him for the whole 1905.

After 1904 a 17 SCs stalemate line was achievable from Tunis through Venice-Silesia to Moscow included.
12 Jun 13 UTC I understand your points, and I will concede you didn't attack Italy. My initial review of the moves it appeared you did, but all it was an an extremely militarized border. It is hard to blame a new player acting to protect his own border. I did not see any communications from you to him that would have helped him understand.
12 Jun 13 UTC Given your current board displacement after 1904, I couldn’t spare Galicia to “communicate” support moves from Vienna to Bohemia likely-to-be-wasted. I needed Galicia to slow down your moves toward east. Looking at it afterwards, it’s been the right thing to do.

The only unit I could spare for “communication” purposes was Rumania and I used it for about 4 diplomacy phases. You can check the large-maps links or the orders list.

But if you read my post in the thread again you may understand that I’m not blaming Italy for being new and not understanding when it is not time anymore to “protect his own border”.
That’s understandable and forgivable.
I’m blaming myself for being stubborn and continue playing open-to-all WTA gunboats while neglecting the fact that they are a delicate game to handle simultaneously from ALL the game participants.

Well, this loss is just what I deserved for my stubbornness.
Lesson learned on my part, definitely.

I hope that the Italian player Everdeen understands that I do not bear grudge against him.
I hope that he did learn some tactic lessons from this loss.
Ultimately I invite him, as a relatively new player here, to read the first posts of threadID=43542.
12 Jun 13 UTC Sorry, I didn't know. I haven't experience in communicate, without chat... So sorry, I didn't recognise your message about peace... I had to move to west, but I couldn't leave my eastern borders, because I didn't know, you had wanted peace...
But it was a good game. And I will want to recognise these communications...