Finished: 12 PM Wed 09 Oct 13 UTC
Race and fight
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1905, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Hirnsaege (1903 D)

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07 Oct 13 UTC Spring, 1901: (Hirnsaege): to clarify:
with "race" i meant the "running for centres", not "race" like "people"
07 Oct 13 UTC Spring, 1901: Hello.
07 Oct 13 UTC Spring, 1901: greetings :)
08 Oct 13 UTC Spring, 1902: i am middle european based, so it's about 8a.m. now here. will be online regularily during the day.
09 Oct 13 UTC Good game you moved fast and decisively and I stood little chance. I am a lot better for the long games where I can manipulate my enemies but good game non the less.
09 Oct 13 UTC indeed, those bigger ones are completely different games ... i like them a lot, but the small variants are fun in between
09 Oct 13 UTC I also think turkey had a slight advantage since you started on land while I had to worry about convoying my units over. All you really had to do was build three or four fleets to keep me out of the mediterrean and then just have the rest of your units armies and just charge up through russia and austria as fast as you can before England even has a foot hold in germany and france. Like you also did.
09 Oct 13 UTC I also could have built less armies and just bull rushed the mediterranean takeing any centers on the coast but I guess I am to use to playing with more than one person that I was still thinking like there where people there. I decided to try and stop you rather than try and get the most amout of centers in the least amout of time. I realized that but it was too late to fix my mistake so I just kept with my original plan.
09 Oct 13 UTC it's difficult to tell, the variant is described as "England* vs. Turkey", and england has modified start positions compared to the classic game to compensate as good as possible.

i've played and won with england before, but it all really depends a lot to get those armies flowing over without any interruption. any stutter, and the opponent is faster in reaching out to the prospected frontline and securing positions to block englands potential gains and usually "that's it" on this variant ...

also key is to be in St. petersburg first, as this means no worries in whole north (i can never get fleets up there as turkey and it's all to england then).

turkey "disadvantage" in this variant is Ankara that is very very remote to get out to the frontlines fast. i used it this time to push north exclusively from there, as this was one move less than moving west with it.
and what i did with big care is to count how many units i could gain each turn, and all the ones over the maximum build of three i used to push the frontline further west instead – thus reaching marseilles in time to bounce you.
09 Oct 13 UTC Nice playing with you.