Finished: 12 AM Wed 26 Feb 14 UTC
Private Study Hall v3
5 days /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 393 BC., Finished
Sail Ho II, PPSC
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by JLB (761 D)

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20 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 397 BC.: From the rules:
2. No Meta-gaming
You can't make alliances for reasons outside a game, such as because you are friends, relatives or in return for a favour in another game. This is known as metagaming and is against the rules because it gives an unfair advantage to those involved. If you are worried that you can't stab someone because you want to stay friends, then that's fair enough but you can't join a game with them.
20 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 393 BC.: Jackson your an ass