30 Jan 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed. |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Luis Aldamiz): WTA, choose your country? I doubt it will ever start: who will get Siena of France willingly with not even PPSC to give some hope? |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (scipiobonaparte): ...we already have a France... |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Luis Aldamiz): True: how daring! |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (scipiobonaparte): If there's a draw in a WTA, are the points split between the survivors, or do the survivors just get their bets back? |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (scipiobonaparte): If there's a draw in a WTA, are the points split between the survivors, or do the survivors just get their bets back? |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Luis Aldamiz): So you play WTA for a draw? Hmm... Draws give equal points to each surviving player regardless of dots and modality. The difference is that, when soloing, the winner takes all in WTA and survivors nothing, while in PPSC each one takes as much as he/she keeps. Worse for the winner but better for other survivors. |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (scipiobonaparte): If I were playing for a draw I wouldn't have picked the country I did. XD Thank you for the clarification. |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Wiesl): In WTA a draw is much more likely than in a PPSC game, because ppl refuse to let someone win at any cost. |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Wiesl): also this variant has a lot of stalemates possibilities. So I think playing one of the smaller houses makes more sense in WTA than in PPSC. |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (saladinsmith): France would just like to try this variation, and doesn't mind playing a gimp country to do so. But since you all don't seem to think this game is going to start, I'll try elsewhere. |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (saladinsmith): Eh, screw it. I'll stick around for another day and a half. |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (scipiobonaparte): Why not stick with it until it either starts or expires? |
01 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (saladinsmith): Well, I still have game restrictions in effect. If I see another game that actually has a chance of starting, I'll jump on it. Otherwise, I have nothing better to do. |
02 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Luis Aldamiz): There's a Siena and Pisa, so there's people willing to try the hardest positions. Only Florence and Savoy remain to be filled (they are weak but playable, IMO). |
02 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (scipiobonaparte): And Ferrara |
02 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Samj): First time on this variant, but trying to help you get it started.. |
03 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Spaceman98): Now all we need is France. |
03 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: (Luis Aldamiz): France there is already, Ferrara is missing only. Ironic: I almost took it on a heartbeat but then chose to be more prudent. |
03 Feb 15 UTC | Spring, 1454: Info: This is a choose your country game. |