Finished: 02 PM Mon 29 Jun 15 UTC
Private War of the First Coalition
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1906, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Deinodon (1179 D)

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28 Jun 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Want to ally?
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: No communication??? this means war
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: I don't know yet. I need to talk to the other players some more.
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Lies, I'm the only other nation here that matters.
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: I will let you have Munich if you let me have Norway ;)
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Munich is the home of my people, if you do not let me have it, I will do unspeakable things to your hamster.
28 Jun 15 UTC Spring, 1902: Okay, fine it's yours if you guarantee me Tunis and Norway.
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: I was married in Tunis, and Norway is where I hid the Golden plates after robbing them at gunpoint from Moroni, if you do not let me have them, I will call your mom and tell her you don't like her cooking.
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: I'll call your wife and tell the same to her.
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: You dare tell my wife you hate your mother's cooking? You are a monster! For that i will take Berlin from you, and your favorite comic book, which is it so I know which one to take?
28 Jun 15 UTC Spring, 1903: Watchmen.
28 Jun 15 UTC Spring, 1903: Huh, I just bought that and read it last month, how funny. OK, what is your second favorite so I can steal one I can read?
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: V for Vendetta
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: OK, good, I'll rob you of that. Does it feel like you are winning or losing already?
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Not sure.
28 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Decide, I need to know if you are winning or losing so I know how to feel.
28 Jun 15 UTC Spring, 1904: We're definitely winning.
28 Jun 15 UTC Spring, 1904: I've just sent a secret message to Russia, they will attack you soon.
29 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: This is a very interesting exercise.
29 Jun 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: Yes it is.