Finished: 05 AM Sat 14 May 16 UTC
Après moi, le déluge
1 day /phase
Pot: 25 D - Autumn, 12, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, No messaging, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Chumbles (1380 D)

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28 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 1: (biSMITH): bonjour.
28 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 1: (Chumbles): et bonne nuit!
10 May 16 UTC Autumn, 9: GameMaster: Egypt voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
13 May 16 UTC Autumn, 11: GameMaster: Persia voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes Concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Conceede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
13 May 16 UTC Autumn, 11: GameMaster: Persia voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
14 May 16 UTC Thanks for the game guys; most of you needed to build more ships!
14 May 16 UTC Yeah. I mean my biggest problem was that you constantly kept outguessing my in Iberia.

Plus Greece and Egypt really made it tough for me to confront you. ;)
14 May 16 UTC I kept trying to get more navy, but everytime a build came up, I decided I wanted land units more. it was a mistake.
14 May 16 UTC Gg persia kinda sank my navy
14 May 16 UTC It was certainly I interesting; this is about the 20th game of this I've played (won about 40%)! And barring the Sahara and the Balkans you can get by in most areas with just a single army, the rest fleets... tactically, say in Asia Minor an army is useful, but once you get to Byz you're bottlenecked... for Rome that's Sag.

With fleets they're quickly moved elsewhere, with armies they're soooo slow and cause vulnerable situations as convoying reduces the combined force by at least one. That's my thought, anyway - but what do I know! So in this game I think "Do I HAVE to build an Army?" when I'm tempted!