Finished: 02 AM Sat 20 May 17 UTC
Pierce and Nick and Cheney
2 days /phase
Pot: 15 D - Autumn, 1905, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by TheWorldCouldBeSoDifferent (1487 D)

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Chat archive


12 May 17 UTC Autumn, 1901: How does combat work and how do I create more units???
12 May 17 UTC Autumn, 1901: You need 2 units to take an SC from someone else and after every 2 moves there is a build phase where you create more units
12 May 17 UTC Autumn, 1901: How does combat work and how do I create more units???
12 May 17 UTC Autumn, 1901: Apparently refreshing the page sends my last sent message
12 May 17 UTC Autumn, 1901: Yes it does, haha
12 May 17 UTC Spring, 1902: GO GO GO
12 May 17 UTC Spring, 1902: Everyone should ally with me and be friends! We can win together!
12 May 17 UTC Spring, 1902: Haha, I thought about making an alliance, but in a 3 player game that's just unfair, haha
14 May 17 UTC Spring, 1903: I feel like it will soon become all on Russia...
20 May 17 UTC Thanks guys, I enjoyed it. You played honourably.