Finished: 09 PM Thu 17 Aug 17 UTC
The Quiet Crusade
1 day /phase
Pot: 36 D - Autumn, 1108, Finished
First Crusade, No messaging, Anon, WTA
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend never
Game won by BobRoss (1752 D)

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04 Aug 17 UTC Autumn, 1103: GameMaster: Almoravids voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
08 Aug 17 UTC Autumn, 1104: GameMaster: Someone has taken over France replacing "dracculo". Reconsider your alliances.
18 Aug 17 UTC Congrats Bob, I somehow guessed it might be you :D

I suppose 5 exposed SCs is the critical limit after which a stab is a good option... Too bad HRE didn't take my alliance offer in the beginning, we might've achieved beautiful things together. Also, I didn't quite understand why you would attack Byzantium when they were the last ones keeping the Seljuks from a solo?

Seljuks + Byzantium looked pretty threatening from the beginning, unfortunately I couldn't do too much about you since I had to fight off Russia and HRE. Nevertheless, I rather enjoyed this, I really like this map. Good game everyone!
18 Aug 17 UTC I also made a mistake, should've probably gone to Lombardy to defend Pisa (and let's not even start with the convoys I screwed up).
18 Aug 17 UTC Congrats, Seljuk.
It's too much for me to defend against Seljuk and Byzantine together when there is no active allies that could attack them.
18 Aug 17 UTC It was a good game. I found HRE very tough to play, surrounded in all sides after initial success
18 Aug 17 UTC This was a very exciting game and really glad to be taking home the solo.

In all honesty, i have considered a stab of Byzantium so many times throughout the game, yet it just didn't feel right. Joe1966, really, you were the best ally i've ever had in any (gunboat) game of diplomacy. You didn't lose your cool when I went into Tmu solely to pass to Crimea. You were so trusting and you had a great insight of the game, giving the right support kind of moves multiple times solely based on expectations.

It was never such a difficult to decision to stab someone as it was now. You had been a great ally since the beginning of the game. My decision to stab was mostly based upon the expectations of any other scenario: Either it was going to be a 2-way draw which was going to require a great deal of coordination (as it was a gunboat game) or it was going to be a 3-way with England. If i was going to go for the stab and it would not end up in a solo, i would still end up in a 2 or 3 way draw probably, so it only made sense to push for the solo.

@Abadu, interesting that you considered me being the Seljuk Turks, I actually considered the possibility that you were Byzantine. I would've never put you on England ;-)
18 Aug 17 UTC It might be a game and these things happen but still, my apologies are in place. It didn't feel right to stab Byzantine but it only made sense given the position that i was in.
18 Aug 17 UTC You were always safe from me and guaranteed a solo as you had Tmu and Che hostage. So I was just enjoying the game knowing that you would get the solo even though I thought there would be just the two of us left at the end as it was going so well. Shame that you went for the stab as it spoilt my game but I guess it saved time as it achieved the same result.