Finished: 06 PM Fri 15 Dec 17 UTC
Ancient Med Gunboat
1 day /phase
Pot: 116 D - Autumn, 8, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, No messaging, Anon, WTA, Hidden draw votes
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Mr. Finkelmuiyer (1014 D)

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10 Dec 17 UTC Spring, 7: GameMaster: Carthage voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
10 Dec 17 UTC Spring, 7: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Rome replacing "Jam". Reconsider your alliances.
15 Dec 17 UTC Good game. I wish Egypt hadn't thrown it by not defending his territory until after you had a sure thing.
15 Dec 17 UTC indeed, tried to turn around and stop Persia when I took over rome but with so many fleets and the positioning it was too late to do much...
15 Dec 17 UTC Good game, everyone. Egypt fell victim to a gunboat stab. (Or since it was a gunboat game, did I shoot him instead?)

Murcanic, thank you for taking over the CD, and nice job mounting a defense and counterattack.
15 Dec 17 UTC ^ Maybe it was more of a ramming attack with your gun boat xP quieter but very deadly... and no problem I was hoping to be able to turn around and stalemate you but that did not become the case...
15 Dec 17 UTC You did stalemate Persia in the north and with a few more turns you might have made a real difference. But it was the south and Egypt's trust that he could grow before getting too stabbed that made the difference,
16 Dec 17 UTC I made a mistake by trusting him yes, but if Rome hadn't CD'd it could have been so different. I tried multiple times (before and after the CD) to support Rome to Carthage, but with this damn variant the unsuccessful moves don't show up. If that had happened I could've turned around much sooner. As it was turning to defend myself was pointless as I wouldn't even have survived because Carthage would've attacked me.
Screwed either way so stop playing a blame game.
Good game Persia