Finished: 09 PM Sat 14 Jul 18 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 160 D - Autumn, 1931, Finished
Aberration V, No messaging, WTA, Hidden draw votes
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Player5 (2203 D)

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09 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1901: (tantrumizer): Whoops, forgot to make it Anon. Oh well, let's see what happens.
12 Apr 18 UTC Spring, 1901: (LovelyPinkEgg): It's pity it's not anon.. I was wondering why, now I see. :)
06 May 18 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: Hungary voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
06 May 18 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: Israel voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Autumn, 1909" the votes will be cleared.
06 May 18 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: Per 2/3 majority vote the gamephase got extended by 4 days.
(Voters: Hungary / Ukraine / Spain / Israel / Sicily)
24 May 18 UTC Autumn, 1912: GameMaster: Korwenten has taken over Byzantium replacing "Cuck_boii". Reconsider your alliances.
17 Jun 18 UTC Autumn, 1919: GameMaster: JustOut459 has taken over Ireland replacing "LovelyPinkEgg". Reconsider your alliances.
27 Jun 18 UTC Spring, 1923: GameMaster: Tanteno has taken over Ireland replacing "JustOut459". Reconsider your alliances.
14 Jul 18 UTC Well done player 5. You ground out that win. Ireland why were you attacking Spain still? The only real threat was Ukraine and you had no chance of winning.
14 Jul 18 UTC I noticed to late. Then just kept with it.
14 Jul 18 UTC Well played Player 5 - a nicely earned win.

Sorry we couldn't do better Tantrumizer, but since it was clear we were going down, I did the best I could to at least get you the "Survive" result for the game since you worked with me so well for so long - I thought we did pretty well together.

Tantemo (Ireland) - that was quite possibly one of the worst played games I have seen in a long time. You took a perfectly solid draw and turned it into a loss - stupidly done. When you're in a draw situation, and you decide to push for a solo yourself, forcing other players (me) into a loss situation in the process, although I'm going to lose, I still have control over who will win. So who do you think I'm going to choose? (1) The player who was trying for a solo, but stopped by the rest of us (but you can hardly blame him), or (2) the dope who screwed me over going for a solo himself and ruining my draw. That's right, #1 every time. You will never solo from that position unless you get a very unusual player in my spot - 9 times out of 10, I'm going to take you down with me for that kind of move you pulled. You must be an inexperienced player, because any experienced player would have recognized this. Even more remarkably, despite my moves making this clear for years, you continued to press as if you could have gotten any result better than a loss doing this - so foolish. While I fear I'll continue to have to teach more noob players this lesson, hopefully you have at least learned from this to never try that garbage again - although I wonder since you persisted at it until the end showing incredibly stubborn foolishness.
14 Jul 18 UTC And yeah, I'm pissed - this would not have happened with your predecessor who was more savvy than you. So I 100% blame you for this one (still nicely done by Player5 to take advantage and not spook you into a different action).
14 Jul 18 UTC If it was PPSC, Ireland's actions would have made sense, but in WTA - utterly awful play.
14 Jul 18 UTC Meh. I blame my predecessor. They shouldn't have left.
Ad yes you have every right to be pissed. But that doesn't change the fact that we approach the game in different ways. You want to win, which is totally cool. But I want to have fun with a challenging opponent. And you most certainly were a challenge.

So good job P5. Thank you to slypups. And the fuck the you doing tanteno?
15 Jul 18 UTC Different approaches? I don't understand why you would make a play that will be a sure loss except with incompetent opponents. There was an angle for Ireland to win, but it would have required beating back on Russia first, then trying to swing that into a solo strike, but that's not what happened. Ireland took Moscow, then lost it immediately, and played nice with Russia the rest of the way, making it easy for him to solo.

My mistake was giving Ireland the benefit of the doubt in 1923 and hoping he would go for a draw from there - I was worried if I weakened him further Russia would have taken advantage, so I backed off my assault - I should have just kept pushing on Ireland then and dealt with the consequences to set up draw lines later with Ireland if he ever came around.
15 Jul 18 UTC Yeah. Different approaches. You approach the game as a contest to win. I approach the game as a puzzle to have fun with.
15 Jul 18 UTC Good game all, Austria should've beaten me while Israel was still pressuring me, but I got very lucky with several guesses on what Austria was doing and manage to hold back their assault. Then Irland's decision to stop pressuring me lead to the extra free troops allowing me to solo. Spain's right though, I think I would've had to draw if they kept it up for much longer.
15 Jul 18 UTC Ok...that's a unique approach Tanteno. Good to know.
15 Jul 18 UTC Yes, Austria definitely had a spectacular crash, but under heavy pressure. Thanks also to Slypups for the good cooperation - we definitely tried!

Thanks Ireland for the explanation of your approach to the game, but it is kind of annoying playing with people who have this approach. ;-) Just so you know... :-) No hard feelings. (Just like it's annoying playing with the people who "want to win second place" in a WTA game.)
15 Jul 18 UTC Well played, Player5. Quite exciting skirmishes we had, you had some great maneuvers. But boy was it frustrating to see the limited pressure on you. Hard to fight when I managed to become the target of all my neighbors :-p