Finished: 04 AM Tue 04 Sep 18 UTC
Something Different - 14
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 200 D - Autumn, 1721, Finished
Enlightenment & Succession, No messaging, Anon, WTA
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by d-ice (1969 D)

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15 Jun 18 UTC Autumn, 1708: GameMaster: Spain voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
26 Aug 18 UTC Autumn, 1719: GameMaster: Austria voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes Concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Conceede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
04 Sep 18 UTC Well done d-ice. A patient win.
04 Sep 18 UTC England generally in WTA games you stop the guy that's winning instead of fighting the ones trying to stop him until the last possible phase.

Gg guys.
04 Sep 18 UTC Thanks Tantrum. Yeah it was a good game for me. Tough at first when I struggled to keep Turkey back. Luckily for me, Spain did a great job stopping England and effectively allowing me to halt the Turks and push them back. From there and on I enjoyed a quite nice game with a very friendly relationship to both Spain and Austria for quite some time. I fully understand that Spain saw it best to strike first in an attempt to stop what was unavoidable. Great try, glad it didn't work :)

After this I aimed for a 3-way with England and Austria, and honestly didn't think anything else would be reachable. Some moves that I couldn't predicted ended with me taking both Paris and Brest which I though was well beyond what I was going to hold. Now I had to try for the solo.

Oh, it agonizes me that I had to attack both Austria and Turkey in the end. But I suppose you both saw it coming miles away.

Good game all, I very much enjoy games like this with skilled players. One of the first completely anonymous game I played that didn't have any CDs. Very much appreciated! Hope to stab you all soon again.
04 Sep 18 UTC Good point from Spain. It was difficult to hold off Venice with attacks coming from the north as well.
04 Sep 18 UTC Good game everyone... honestly I probably noticed a bit late how close Venice was to the win. Looking back, I'm not sure how much impact me fighting Austria had on Venice's territorial gains...
The last couple of turns of course didn't really matter in this sense.
04 Sep 18 UTC got too early kicked out. fighting spain alone was fine, but couldnt hold against england as well... (and the meddling of venice)