Finished: 05 PM Thu 13 Oct 11 UTC
Private let's get it out of our system
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1909, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by AdamNTM (965 D)

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26 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: What is the "transform" move?
26 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: Don't worry, I figured it out...
26 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: you can only do it on a supply centre.
26 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: I have a poor record on this variant. but the upside is you don't need to declare war to play it out!
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: SOo. why the hatred for me that I feel emanating from you?
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: Hatred would be a strong word; more like contempt. It seems you have no sense of honour, your diplomatic word is worth naught to me now; indeed, based on your constant stabbing, I can no longer trust anything you say, which, ironically, makes YOU more the equivalent of a rabid dog in my books (which is, no doubt, why you feel the need to reciprocate; at this point, it's understandable)...
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: I don't understand. I've been stabbed more times than I care to count, mostly because I believed that I could trust peoples word, and when I truly meant my word, people didn't trust me! Unfortunately I think we have been thrown together in the games we have played as natural enemies (ie. Venice/Turkey)... did I not go out of my way to support you when I was playing Genova and you Pisa?
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: Hmm, "out of your way" would be a bit of a stretch, but that was the one time our relations held true, which led me to trust you in the game of Haven. I just can't understand your reasoning; you stab a loyal ally, to what? Squeeze me out, THEN go for the draw? Why not stay my ally, squeeze out our mutual enemy, as original agreed, then go for the draw as planned? If you want to behave like a random x-factor in your games, that's your prerogative; eliminating x-factors is mine...
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: If you must know regarding Haven, your decision to ''declare war'' on Barbarians took me by surprise. I am used to allies discussing such things before a global event such as this. As it stands my alliance with Wizards was made long before we even came into contact in that game, and his reluctance to support such a move was a big factor. You claim you ''never'' stab allies - but I point to Ogres in that game, and I say again, how can you breed trust if you don't talk to your opponents prior to making a global decision that affects them?
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: I thought we already had discussed it; according to my understanding, it was to be a 4-way draw, the alliance of Leprechauns, Undead, Wizards, and Dwarves. Barbarians, Centaurs, and whoever else happened to be languishing on the board were to be annexed. I declared war on the Ogres, because he kept making ambiguous and uncoordinated moves, and I have no patience for such duplicity and/or incompetency. I declared war on the Barbarians, because he mentioned in public chat the possibility of a 5-way draw, which, according to our initial agreement, was NOT part of the plan. So you tell me; where did I go astray from our alliance?
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: PLUS, the Barbarians stabbed his ally the Centaurs, which is dishonourable and, to my mind, unworthy of splitting the pot in a draw...
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: you are like a rigid stick unwilling to bend. Obviously a 4-way draw would be unworkable, given the lay on the board, but a 5-way draw would have been a workable thing - which you shot down without even seeming to consider it.
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: What do you mean, "unworkable"? Why did you agree to it in the first place then?
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: I didn't promote nor agree to a set-in-concrete 4-way draw. All I did was to attempt to ally with you/undead/me/wizards to deal with the other players. there was no agreement as to excluding other players, and I was the first one to approach each of the original 4 about the possibility of going for a draw 5-ways. A deal everyone would have agreed upon until you blew the possibility of such a thing up by declaring war on one of the players I was negotiating with on behalf of us all.
So, as I am not really that concerned about the game, and Sacred wasn't willing to attack you (with me and Wizards [yes you will read that as a reason to respect him again - be warned he will stab when the stakes are high enough - I've seen him do it before]) and that was knowledge passed to me via wizards who I asked to approach Undead for me, I felt it was time to throw a ''bomb'' into the game.
27 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1901: Fair enough; and I'll clean up the aftermath of your "bomb", but be warned; when someone throws a "bomb" into my game, the objective of my game changes from winning, to making sure the "bomb-thrower" (read "stabber") does NOT win, game theory at its finest... :D
30 Sep 11 UTC Spring, 1904: I've gotta admit, a very cool map in terms of being perfectly balanced...
01 Oct 11 UTC Spring, 1904: yeah, and I really suck at it.
01 Oct 11 UTC Spring, 1904: Well the "transform" order definitely does alter the dynamic from your typical Diplomacy game...
01 Oct 11 UTC Autumn, 1904: It's a rip from the Karabik variant.
01 Oct 11 UTC Autumn, 1904: "Karabik variant", I'm not familiar...