Finished: 11 AM Tue 02 Apr 19 UTC
Europe is not enough-2
1 day /phase
Pot: 111 D - Autumn, 1912, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game drawn

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10 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: NMR from Britain. Send the country in CD.
10 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Missing orders for Spring, 1901 (Diplomacy) from a country with 2 or more SCs. Extending phase.The game will continue after this phase even if you do not find a replacement.
10 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Britain replacing "africaboy1947". Reconsider your alliances.
10 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1901: Hello, new England here. Good luck!
11 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GOD (Moderator): Hi,

This game has been paused while an investigation concerning it is underway.

vDip Mod/Admin Team
11 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: Wait, what?!
11 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: Doesn’t seem paused to me.
11 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GOD (Moderator): Forgot to pause, sorry...
12 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: Can we know the contents of the investigation?
18 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GOD (Moderator): The players behind Austria and France know each other in Real Life. This is not an issue provided that:
everybody plays the best game that they can,
has no pre-set alliances with their friend,
and communicates within the game environment while playing.

The investigation is closed good luck everyone and sorry for the inconvenience,
18 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: Thanks for letting us know god.
20 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: NMR from Austria. Send the country in CD.
20 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: NMR from France. Send the country in CD.
20 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: Missing orders for Autumn, 1901 (Builds) from a country with 2 or more SCs. Extending phase.The game will continue after this phase even if you do not find a replacement.
20 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Austria replacing "Kartoffelkäfer". Reconsider your alliances.
20 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: Someone has taken over France replacing "nesthocker97". Reconsider your alliances.
03 Mar 19 UTC Autumn, 1904: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Austria replacing "Tsar Alex". Reconsider your alliances.
05 Mar 19 UTC Spring, 1905: GameMaster: Someone has taken over France replacing "dvogelbacher". Reconsider your alliances.
13 Mar 19 UTC Autumn, 1907: is the juggernaut not obvious to all? war in the west should stop immediately.
19 Mar 19 UTC Spring, 1909: GameMaster: Britain voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.