Finished: 09 PM Thu 25 Mar 21 UTC
Private Martian Law
1 day /phase
Pot: 30 D - Autumn, 2160, Finished
Mars, PPSC
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Stinky Will (1167 D)

< Return

Chat archive


16 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2150: (Scrawdaddy55): may the force be with you
16 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2150: May the probings commence
16 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2150: I recommend reading the Variant details. This one has satellite orbits and Overseer zones
16 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2150: Disregard the previous. It's the aliens trying to mess with you!
18 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2150: has anyone seen Elon or the mothership?
18 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2150: The mother ship is the planet we are on.

Meteors hit this life-filled world eons ago, jettisoning rock (and life) into space. Much like the modern water bear - this life survived a trip through our solar system and landed on Earth. These life forms evolved to become all the life around us. We learned and yearned to travel back to the mother ship, our original planet, Mars.

(if you believe in this theory)
19 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2150: I am descendant of space traveling water bears...
21 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2151:
21 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2151: And Leonard takes a slug to the knee!
22 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2151: Why are we waiting 24 hours for a build phase?? Just putting it out there
22 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2151: Give grace - never know what someone may be dealing with any given day
22 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2152: ^^ truth, but don't worry the fraud lawsuit was dropped
23 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2152: I thought if you attack the supporting army in a 2:1, then it would negate the attack. Apparently not.
26 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2153: We. Are. Liiiiiiyyyyiiiiiyyiiiiiive.
27 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2153:
27 Feb 21 UTC Autumn, 2153:
28 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2154: i cant win or lose any games, my vpoints are at exactly 666 right now lolol
28 Feb 21 UTC Spring, 2154: darth otis approves
01 Mar 21 UTC Spring, 2154: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
02 Mar 21 UTC Spring, 2154: