Finished: 10 PM Fri 06 Jan 12 UTC
Tolstoy vs. Scythe challenge game
12 hours /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1908, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Tolstoy (1008 D)

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06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Hi Tolstoy
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Hi Tolstoy
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1901: So. Care for the backstory?
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1901: I've never played like this so it's a new thing for me here but I look forward to the challenge i guess. Tell me a bit about yourself. Where r u from that kinda jazzy news
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: I'm from California. How about yourself?
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: Washington. Prett cold n lonely
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: And this is my first 1v1 game, too.
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1902: Do you have snow?
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: No snow here. Say care for an alliance haha
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1903: No humor eh?
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1903: Sorry. It's late for me.
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: True that same here. You realize we are on the same time Zone right?
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Yup. I'm really old, though, and old people shouldn't be staying up this late. Especially when they have to get up at 7AM for work.
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1904: You want to take a break
. I respect that. I'm looking for work. Finished with my BAPA from SU recently
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1904: BAPA? What's that?
06 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1904: Don't think I need a break. We're making good progress, I think we'll be done be the end of the hour.
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Wow. Nice disband. That took me entirely by surprise.
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Bachelors of public affairs
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: I'm not horrible. But because I'm at a serious fleet disadvantage you'll win in the seas for sure.
06 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Going formunich :)