Finished: 04 AM Fri 10 Jun 22 UTC
Private Among us
1 day /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 2020, Finished
Fall of the American Empire IV, Unranked, ChooseYourCountry
2 excused NMR / no regaining / extend never
Game drawn

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23 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
23 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Gawa): I’m in, hacker style
23 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Gawa): I’m in, hacker style
23 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Gawa): I’m in, hacker style
23 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Croompet): Among us sex
23 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (AlbanianSans): le racisme
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Clog): SEXOOOOOOO
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Clog): SEXOOOOOOO
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Croompet): I went into Never7: The End of Infinity, thinking it would be a mediocre work on par with Uchikoshi's other less favored game Zero Time Dilemma. I am extremely pleased to say however, that it turned out to be so much more. The game stars Makoto Ishihara, a 20 year old college student on a mysterious seminar camp due to his poor school performance. Over the course of the novel, I came to learn about the various characters and grow attached to them in ways I never expected. There's the fun loving Yuka, the pensive and reflective Haruka, and the tragically misunderstood Saki. Of course the highlights of the game were Okuhiko and the two Morino sisters, all three of which bring so much life to the game. Okuhiko is at first a stereotypical rival character to Makoto, but as he develops you learn his motivations and become enamored with his character. Izumi Morino is a mysterious character, that is curiously devoid of screentime for a majority of the game. Without spoiling anything I can say in full confidence that the reason for this is one of the most clever I've seen in a visual novel to date. Speaking of clever, I would like to give a special shoutout to what I consider the best part of Never7, Kurumi Morino. Her silly antics and jokes never failed to give me a chuckle, and her silly character made the serious and down to earth moments containing her have that much more weight, and her ending has one of the best conclusions I've seen in a non-true ending for a visual novel. While Kurumi's character and ending are something to marvel at, I've saved the best for last, the true ending. A combination of science, comedy, and intrigue, this is Uchikoshi at his best. I want to keep this review spoiler free as to not alienate any potential players, so I will just lightly touch upon what makes it so masterful. Throughout the game there are hints as to a bigger mystery behind the scenes of this seminar camp, and each ending gives you another piece of the puzzle. It all culminates in the true ending, and while it may be hard to get there due to the admittedly complicated flowchart of the game, once you make it I promise you that you will not be disappointing. Containing one of the most shocking and satisfying twists in visual novels to date, Never7 is a must play for any fan of Uchikoshi or Nakazawa's works, as well as visual novels in general. A tightly packed game with no wasted time, Never7 is a sight to behold.
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Geikaal): Thursday, October 31st. The city streets are crowded for the holiday. Even with the rain. Hidden in the chaos is the element, waiting to strike like snakes. And I'm there too. Watching. 2 years of nights have turned me into a nocturnal animal. I must choose my targets carefully. It's a big city. I can't be everywhere. But they don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when I'm needed. When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call- it's a warning. To them. Fear is a tool. They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I AM the shadows. I wish I could say I'm making a difference, but I don't know. Murder, robberies, assault- 2 years later, they're all up. And now this. This city's eating itself. Maybe it can't be saved, but i have to try. PUSH MYSELF. These nights all roll together in a rush, Behind the mask. Sometimes in the morning i have to force myself to remember everything that happened.
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (AlbanianSans): SOMETHING IN MY ASS
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Nyokki): Au Lycée j'ai pas d'amis mais...
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: (Nyokki): Je crois que les filles m'aiment bien parceque je suis un peu mystérieux comme Light Yagami, je suis toujours tout seul, aux récrées je m’assoie sur un banc avec ma capuche et la tête baissé et quand quelque passe à coté de moi je chuchote des truc genre okamari no suzoki, ça ne veut rien dire mais ça fait mystique, les gens sont intrigués.
24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Info: This is a choose your country game.
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Oh oui papa
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: April 24 5:00 pm - it's starting to snow. The first of the season and
the first one we've seen in years. The wife and I took our hot
buttered rums and sat by the picture window watching the soft flakes
drift down, clinging to the trees and covering the ground. It was
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Ok and
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Please remember to keep my balls in ur jaw lmaooooooooo