Finished: 01 AM Sat 03 Feb 24 UTC
Hundred Funboat 12h #2
12 hours /phase
Pot: 15 D - Year: 1450, Finished
Hundred, No messaging, Anon, WTA
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game won by alarix (1710 D)

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02 Feb 24 UTC GGs. This was my first time playing on this map, so when the rules said "each phase advances by 5 years", I assumed that after the very first phase I would need 5 SCs to keep my Provence unit alive, hence why I rushed England so hard. After the first phase I was very confused, then realized that I actually had 2 phases to secure a second unit. By then, I had already hard committed against England and would have been in a very bad position if I swapped my units to the east, so I kept up the attack. Ah well, you live and you learn.